And it occured to me that so many people still don’t get the difference between Michael and Jason LOL! Wow, kinda funny. You guys should tune in and listen to some of these poeple, I feel ashamed LOL!
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Wow, some people on this board would have heart failure if they were me right now LOL!
I work at a Haunt on the weekends. I’m dressed as Myers and people call me Jason. Another guy is dressed as Jason and people call him Myers…Some people just have no idea
My question is basic and simple, but to some, they’re lost. I’m asking who Annie was waiting to hear from (Paul) and I’m getting every answer, from Lynda, to her Mother, to Michael himself…ugh LOL!
This is funny as hell on the air, but wow, frustrating LOL!
Now I’m shifting gears to Halloween 2, again, simple question to US, but let’s se how hard it is for the non-fanatics like us. At this rate my show is going to go from ending at 10:00pm, to ‘effin’ midnight LOL!
Michael picks up his FIRST weapon of choice from who, and what is it? I’ll get everything from Machete to Chainsaw and it’ll be from “…the camp where he drowned” no doubt LMFAO!
…I hate that song. Can’t help it though, Top 40 is Top 40. Have to play a little Britney and Miley in there. Can’t be helped I’m afraid LOL! Hey, atleast you have the option of NOT listening when bad songs play, I don’t have that luxury.
I know!! The first time I was ever Myers for Halloween, I walked up to some guys porch and he says, “Hey, your from that movie…um Jason right?” And I’m like,“No. I’m Michael Myers from Halloween.”
It makes me mad when people do that. I’m wearing a rubber, white mask WITH HAIR when Jason wears a fiberglass hockey mask!! It just makes me mad. I don’t understand how they can get mixed up with them.