Don Post 1985 The Mask (Freddy Loper)

So I told myself I was not going to buy anymore masks, but I could not pass this opportunity up!

I can’t believe a mask this old could still be in such great shape. And Freddy did an awesome job on it.

Here are some quick pics and an unboxing video.

Beautiful mask, the DP 1985 the mask doesn’t get enough credit for how good it looks once overhauled. I could see Michael using something like this in a new movie, just has its own unique look

For an 85 DP Myers… that’s pretty damn good looking.

Hope you got a good deal on it and this is definitely a solid mask. Love the finishing work and hair. This should clear up for some of the newer guys who keep posting about latex longevity. This is nearly 35 years old and looks brand new. Congrats on the score man

That looks crazy good!! I busted my ass to find that mask when I was little and it was the highest end you could get at the time.

Gotta’ say, this piece has definitely aged well!

Crazy how ahead of their time Don Post really was. From their latex to vinyl lineups, they were always so far ahead of everybody else their pieces still hold up today

Yeah it looks brand new. I’m really surprised it’s held up as well as it has.

Congrats on this piece man! i saw the video on youtube and is fantastic !

That’s utterly beautiful.