Don post going for over $100???

this is highway robbery!!!

why isnt trancas hitting this??

That’s a good question Chris. I wodner if this one slipped by trancas, but how? they’ve been killing every other auction.

Now, now… This mask is going to make somebody very happy.

Trancas wont hit it. Its a licensed mask.

but they’re the ebay police on myers tho…someone is getting ripped off for a mask worth $50 and there is 9 bids on that?? makes me feel HORRIBLE that my Mr. Happy doesn’t have one bid and im only asking $120 for it :frowning:

they killed my auction 3 times already…

Licensed - They won’t touch it.

Unlicensed - They will have it removed.

It’s as simple as that.

that is not right, someone new to myers masks may buy this thinking they are getting the best myers mask out there not knowing it is worth $50, they wouldn’t know any different, these sellers are thieves imo! Anyone could buy a dp06, paint the eyebrows and weather it :unamused:

Well, on Ebay here in Sweden ( there was a RZ Don Post 2007 that someone wanted to sell for 1000 SEK (143 USD)! :laughing:

jeez talk about gettin screwed up the ass :laughing:
i didnt even liek buyin don post when they were 50 bucks