Don post skull question..

Ok… doe’s anyone know exactally when Don post made and released the blood skull in what year or years? or was it brought back for a short time. also were they latex or vinyl i find them to be very unique from the other skulls. so if someone has in info or knows the history on the blood skull PLEASE drop a line thank’s so much guys…

Sand man…

I don’t know which years they were produced exactly, but I do know that any Vermillion (red) Skulls made before the very late 80s and early 90s were made entirely of a reddish-orange vinyl with airbrushed black details and painted ivory teeth. Everything made more recently was cast in latex. There have been at least three different versions of the Vermillion mask since the 60s or 70s, with most (if not ALL) differences between them concentrated on the eye holes. IE: One version is completely open-eyed, another has sculpted eyeballs, etc…

'Hope that helps a bit.

