Some shots of my Warlock
very cool shots my friend
That’s a very nice copy
The weathering and the eyecuts look great on your copy!
The shot in hallway rules Mike
Nice pics
dude, thats a really cool warlock mask. love the hair!!
Sweet. I really liked this one!
Awesome Warlock man!
Wicked mask, Mike!
Thanks guys!! QUIET ON THE SET did an AMAZING job on the hair!!
Nice pics bud
Amazing Warlock bro!!! :finga:
Killer mask man…
Amazing shots brotha…I love your warlock. later
Nice copy you have there man.
Love it man!!your really wettin my palate(I have a warlock on its way!!!)
Thanks everybody!! Sikwitit…you’re gonna love the Warlock!! It really is a sick mask!!
That’s definitley a sweet Warlock there man!!! Love the shots! You wear it well
Jay Muzz
very cool my bald headed brotha, I hope you don’t mind me posting these, they are not my masks but Zephro’s masks. I just felt like showing them off, one day I will have a warlock of my own… Dean