Hi Everyone,

It pains me to write this as I have had nothing but successful transactions on this board throughout the past three years, including one with this seller in the past. I had hoped it would stay that way.

Unfortunately, in this instance I feel the need to at least offer a precautionary statement in dealing with board member Dreamer.

I won’t directly post any emails or correspondence without his permission, as is in good taste and form, but below is a historical outline for reference:

September 12, 2013: Ad is posted advertising numerous figures; offer is made to buy the bulk of them. I am the first respondent.

September 12-14, 2013: We attempt to work out shipping terms for such a large amount of items. Numerous solutions are presented to figure out the safest, most cost effective way to ship. Initial discussions do not match shipping costs using online estimate software through major us carriers (FedEx, USPS, UPS) and agreement on shipping cannot be made at this time.

September 14, 2013: Seller contacts via PM, needs a definitive answer. Response is sent with payment for the figures promised the next day (sans shipping which has yet to be determined.)

September 15, 2013: Payment sent. No response from seller.

September 16, 2013: Seller asks for lump sum of $100 to ship, with a refund of any overage. This is more than the estimates I have found online, I make plan to respond on Wednesday the 18th.

Please note that there during the interim, I had a break in to my home, which took up quite a bit of my time

September 18, 2013: Seller refunds payment, no heads up given or discussion had.

First and foremost, my payment was FULLY REFUNDED so I am in no way, shape or form making accusations to the contrary.

Unfortunately, as many in the hobby have experienced, that is of little solace when all I want is the items paid for. When contacted, this member felt that payment and communication were not timely and while I suppose everyone has their own definition of these, I feel both were adequate on my end.

From his responses, obviously he’s got a busy life and I can understand as I have my own as well. I honored my commitment and wish he had held up his end of the bargain. While payment was refunded, so he is certainly no thief, I definitely feel cheated regardless.

Thank you for your time.

There are many things I could say to this, but I won’t. I will keep it civil. A few things that I would like to point out is the shipping costs quoted where exact estimates received from my local UPS shipping center after physically packaging and taking the boxes there for estimates. Buyer never once asked how much the packages weighed, therefore how can they come up with realistic quotes? Buyer seems to think that four 18" figures weigh around 2 ounces total. The packages were big and bulky and obviously overweight. So that is non-sense.

Permission was never given to buyer to send payment as shipping details hadn’t been worked out - therefore no deal was actual and was made. After he took it upon himself to send payment, which I agree was a good gesture of fath, I didn’t have any correspondence from seller regardless of what he was “planning” to do over a three day period. Payment was refunded in full. Not one single penny was even attempted to be kept on my behalf. I’m not a bank, I do not hold on to other people’s money for them. When I sell anything, the minute I receive payment - the items are no longer mine and I like to ship within 24 hours. This obviously wasn’t happening - therefore I felt the right thing to do was refund payment. Avoid me if you would like - but I see nothing wrong with how I handled this.