DT Buried Mask

Dear Members,

I’m quite new to the Forum and just got my first Myers Mask in. It’s a DT Buried I’ve scored from a fellow collector for a good price.
Originally I’ve bought it for a buddy of mine, but now I’ll keep it for myself :mrgreen:

I’'m really exited and impressed by it’s details.

Just want to share some pics with you. Please let me know what do you think ?

Thx Surf

Welcome! Fantastic pick up! :smiley:

That is one hell of a Buried, my friend. Great score! Welcome to the hobby :wink:

Welcome to the Forum man !!! The Buried …is a very nice first pick up !!! I just received mine in the mail the other day !!

Congrats !!!

Thank you guys. Really appreciate it. Think the Buried is a good start for collecting more masks

Just a question that came up. By looking on the other pic’s of the Buried Masks posted here, most of them have blood stains on the cheeks.

I mean is there a reason mine has not this stains ? ( Dela Torre forgott those stains, the original Owner ordered it from them telling he doesn’t want blood stains, It’s an older run, that hasn’t stains at this time)

I’m just curious.

Awesome mask bro! :rock:
Congrats and welcome to the site!
I’d say the original owner didn’t want the blood stains because Dela offers both versions (with or without blood).

Ok. Thank you. That makes sense to me.
By the way saw that you are from Germany as I am. So just want to send you Greetings from Munich :wink:

No problem!
Greeting from Frankfurt ! :smiley:

The current buried looks pretty good, this just looks disappointing. But when you look at the original run, its a shame the current buried cannot live up to his first run. I think this buried needs a fresh new paint job, give it new life like the original one was given

To be honest I’m totally happy with it. Dont see why it should have a fresh new paint job ? Have to admit that maybe I cannot judge this 100% till I’ve bought annother Mask out of the Buried Line (love all the details of the Buried II) to do the comparison.

Yea that is fair enough, maybe not a fresh one, just bring more life to it. I think you could compare it to the first buried 1 lineup, I would always go for one of the revolvers he has, has that is still his best work

Nice mask. The Buried is my favorite RZ mask.

First of all welcome to the forum! :smiley:
You’ve got a jump start already by scoring what we call “a Grail”
Imo the Buried is THE best RZ mask out there. Usually one cannot afford or find one, or they buy something cheaper to hold em off :laughing:
Your on a great start! Congrats on a great mask :drinkers:

What a nice way to welcome someone to the community…

Congrats on a great pick up!! I think it looks perfect.

I am not insulting surf, all I was saying is dela could do more with the buried 1

Sorry to surf if he thought I was insulting him, I was just saying my view on the current buried 1

No worries. I am not taking it as an insult.
Thank you all for the warm welcome to the community.

Awesome piece man
I am actually digging the mask with no blood…i like it :slight_smile:

That’s good, if you are going to buy another, get one of the revolver series? if a hobo costume get the revolver. Don’t buy a B2 off someone if they are available as you are paying well over 400

Welcome to the club buddy! And what a way to start the hobby with what I think is the best RZ mask to date! Blood or no blood, the mask looks amazing! Congrats on the score!