I just went to Ebay and typed in “Michael Myers Mask”, and it came back with “0 Results Found for Michael Myers Mask”. Lol, thats interesting considering all the issues that sellers have been having with Ebay.

No search you put in will yield any results. I think the site is having problems.

Oh Ok, Yea I didn’t try that, Duh Duh Da… :confused:

yeah same here cant find anything

i think ebay finally went out of buissness… :smiley:


I think its been having problems since 3 or 4…it might be like that time the site was down and when they fixed it 50% of the listings were gone and transactions didnt happen and all this other bullshit

i went there a hour ago and typed in ‘michael myers mask’ and like 3 dp rz masks came up! :laughing:

Well, I typed in myers and it gave me hints, when I clicked on myers mask, that’s when I got the check back in a few minutes. At least it made some progress.


Yea it’s back, BUT all the “Custom” masks that were there have been removed, I even “Watched” a couple of the customs & when I went into my watched items they were gone in there as well, This is crazy. I’m gonna watch this like hawk. :open_mouth:

works fine for me

I see a couple H6’s
some remakes

its amazing how much custom mask are gone… so many don post crappy mask on ebay now… :butthead: