Emmett kelly mask

Hey guys, here’s a Don Post EK tharp recast i just got in the mail, he’s sick! I just realized, I own the mask they were going to pick originally for myers (or so to be thought) and the mask before it was painted (kirk)

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Nice! So hard to believe that COULD have been the Myers mask.

Thanks Sammy! Ikr? It’s a creepy one for sure!

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I like the Kelly mask. I’ve always wondered, if they picked the Kelly mask, would they convert it like they did the Kirk? Paint it white, open the eyes, etc

That’s a good question. I’d like to see what that would look like.

I’d say keep the small eyes, but paint it white

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Very photogenic

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That is a great convo piece. I really dig that, nice pick up.

For sure, thanks for the kind words!

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