I hope you all reading this have a little time to spare because I have ALOT to say about my good friend ethan!
It all started when I had to put my collection up for sale due to urgent family reasons , anywho ethan pm’d me about my payback mask asking if id trade or sell it , I told him id rather sell but id listen to trade offers…ethan really didnt have anything to trade because he has a small collection but he is attached equally to each mask! So we eventually said “well thanks anyway”…BUT THEN , I had an idea! I have been wanting a Kreation X “XOMBIE” for months upon months now and I talked to ethan and asked him if he’d be willing to buy the xombie from a member on here and then trade it to me for my payback! He agreed…and it worked out amazingly!! Ethan feels the same way about the payback as I do about my xombie , so we knew how badly eachother wanted these masks!! He hasnt said it but I think he found his h5 grail just like the xombie is my rz grail fo’ sure lol So we both have the masks we have been longing for and THEN…I seen ethan has a freddy glove BUT no freddy mask , sweater or fedora! Well it just so happen that I have all of those things…(im a lil to big to be freddy ) So I told ethan about it and it was just as graceful as the deal before! Well his job isnt that reliable soo we did another trade…he had a mask , that i…once agian…had my eye on! a killer klownz from outer space mask! Ethan was so awesome with this one , he let me know that it was a BIG Mask and heavy…so added foam in it for me which im ever so thankful for!! It sucks that I am a minor and unable to have paypal or anything like that because as soon as I do , ethan…you will be given the same awesome treatment you have given me! Ethan is DEFF added to my best friends list on this website and off of the website as well thanks ethan…you have made the end of 2009 an absolute pleasure!