Well, it’s gone from bad to worse. It’s been a rough week for TWC, they layoff multiple employees here in North America amidst the shut down of their overseas offices, lose a ruling of UTMOST importance in their lawsuit against Lionsgate & Precious, Tom Ortenberg is now out of the mix altogether and word is, Harv and Bob have been fighting with Patrick Lussier on a 2.5 million dollar budget.
I repeat, 2.5 MILLION DOLLAR BUDGET. They’re fighting about it. As in, TWC doesn’t have the cash to make this film.
OFFICIALLY, it’s been bounced until late 2011, if at all at this point.
Legal battle was a rights issue for another film, and several other issues altogether I was told, and the $2.5 million thing just blew me away.
As for other studios, Moustapha was trying to sell to Lionsgate YEEAARRSSSS ago! After the H8 debacle, he shopped with intent. Deal fell through, plus now with Lionsgate and TWC in a courtroom, you can bet that they are off the list of potential buyers. Plus, I was told today that Trancas are NOT easy to deal with what-so-ever.
Platinum won’t get it, atleast not anytime soon. So, the proverbial hole gets deeper for us who want to see something on the big screen worth watching. Like I said before, I’m not sure this film will happen in 3D at all, ever. Too much money to spend on a gimmick, plus if you’re fighting over a $2.5 million dollar budget, you’re trying to do it on the penny, bigtime.
I LOVE Evils idea! Let’s see if any of these contemporary “geniuses” can pull it off for $320,000.00 like Carpenter did. It’ll never happen, but I love the idea.
However, with TWC bitching about $2.5 million, I guess we might get that anyway LOL !
R.I.P Halloween Franchise…I guess what we have is what have…Sad as I am one that does like seeing Michael on the big screen…Even though most in the past 10 have sucked I still enjoy it…There always seems to be certain aspects that I like from each film no matter how much I dislike it…Hopefully one day another will come out in the right direction
Heck yeah that is the secret to making a good horror movie…having a zero budget. Makes it all the more real. Hell, Castle wasn’t casted! he got a call from his best friend Carpenter about coming over for a weekend and playing a part…a part that made cinema gold!!
I think it would be killer if Carpenter made H3 with funds from his own pocket to prove who the master of Horror really is. That would be the shit and he he fronted the money you know he would make a killing on his investment.
If Carpenter was on board I bet everything would change and people would go nuts.
Carpenter turned his back on the franchise a long time ago and has made it abundantly and stupidly clear that he is totally detached from Halloween. At this point in time? with his attitude and years of making pretty much crappy films? Im not so sure he’s the answer either. They captured magic in a bottle with the first one…crazy things came together in ways that you’d think the planets must have been aligned or something lol. JC would cause a huge stir and it’d be huge news but would it guarantee a good film? I doubt it. It makes for good convo though.
well what cost $320,000 in 1978 would more than double that now. but yeah even a film completed with 3/4 of a million dollars would be quite impressive. but we know the days of truely “sucessful” independant films are gone. in the industry now a days, if your not with the big dogs then you dont get fed.
very true. in a documentary i seen where carpenter was talking about H2, he said “i set in front of my type writer with a six pack of beer wondering what to write. we’re making the same film over again”. based on that and the fact that he turned down hte opportunity to direct another Halloween suggests he’s done with it. and i couldnt agree more about the rest of his films being pretty much crap. there was something magical about H1 that WILL NEVER be reproduced not even by the same crew. thats another reason i dont understand such hatred for the RZ films. NOTHING can come close to the original and i dont want a carbon copy of it. new Halloween films have to be different in there own way. sure H6 was different in the most terrible way i can imagine it being different. same goes for H8 and select few others. we will never have another H1 no matter if Carpenter took the reigns or not. however i woulkd be very interested to see what his “Vison” of Myers would be after all this time. im going to go out on a limb and say that i bet alot of people that dispise RZ Halloweens would be let down by a new installment from Carpenter because all they would be thinking about until they set in the seat to view it for the first time would be, H1 H1 H1 H1 H1. and thats probably not at all what we would get.
I totally agree with Embodied. Carpenter is my favourite Director. I admire all of his work, each movie has something I love. His early work and unique visuals have inspired a lot of modern Film Directors. If he were to return to the franchise it would inevitably end up just like Embodied stated. The fans would have it in their minds eye how they think Carpenters return to Halloween is gonna play out and it would be nothing at all like their imagination, thus resulting in terrible disappointment. This is why RZH was hated by a lot of the fans. They expected it to be a certain way. In their imagination they envisioned how key scenes might be reworked but nothing can match up to the power of the minds eye. I think no matter who takes on the reigns of reworking Halloween, the law of diminishing returns will continually be applied. Nothing can match the power of seeing the original for the first time. NOTHING!