So, why was the RZ forum voted in (By the members) again?
I’m a little confused. It gets voted in, and because the moderators are requesting to have it used properly, we get pull back and shots thrown at us? Come on now, step back and think about this for a minute guys… :wink:

Hey guys…Just incase someone took me the wrong way I wasnt trying to argue with anyone on this…My only purpose in my question was to gain some knowledge to do things right…I dont want to get anyone upset or make the job harder to run things here…I try my best to follow the rules and I just wanted to be sure if that was ok or not…Sometimes I really do just pull out a few mask and snap some pics…I get lazy and just dont feel like making 2 post on the different mask so I bunch them all together…But to avoid any confusion I wont do that anymore…No harm done and sorry if any of the Mod’s thought I was challenging the rule…It was not my intent by any means…Since that rule has been in place you can see that when I get a New RZ score I put it in the RZ section…Ive only bunched pics a few times and was just wondering if it was ok to do that…But to make things easier I just wont do it :sunglasses: …I wont even post RZ mask in pics of the day thread…I dont want trouble with anyone or at my Second home :sunglasses: …I respect this place greatly and its members and I do my best to show everyone here that respect…Thanks for the info fella’s…Later guys

caesar015, my friend. You are no trouble atall. Your posts are always interesting and unique. I hope I answered your query in my original reply. Have a good evening. :sunglasses:

Oh no you did my friend…I just wanted to be sure no one took me the wrong way…Thanks for the kind words and you do the same bud…Later man