
We are having alot of issues regarding posts being moved, and people making topics in the wrong forums.

We need to get one thing clear. The other forums are no less important. You should always post your topic in the correct place. Not put it straight in general in the hope to get more replies. If people want to see RZ topics, they will visit that forum. If people want to look for new sculpts, they will visit the projects forum.

Derek originally set up the different forums for people to use and keep the board in an good clean, organized state.

We are quite simply getting fed up of moving threads to the correct forums, then getting complaints saying we are targeting people, silencing people, bullying people etc. It’s really quite silly. The forums are there for a reason, so please use them. If people keep ignoring this, we will have no choice but to issue warnings.

This is a simple guide as to where your topic should go:

General Discussion = Things related to the original Halloween series, such as mask scores, questions, info etc. Halloween 1-8. All ‘general original Myers discussion’. (No Rob Zombie Halloween stuff)

Rob Zombie’s Halloween films = ANYTHING related to the Rob Zombie version of Halloween. Halloween 2007 and Halloween 2. Such as mask scores, questions, info etc. (No original Halloween series stuff)

Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, Other = Anything related to other HORROR movies, but not Halloween. Such as, TCM, F13th, Saw, Psycho, etc. Such as mask scores, questions, info etc.

Off-Topic = Everything that doesn’t immediately relate to Halloween, or other horror movies. Such as pics of yourself, work related topics, stamp collection topics, birthday wishes etc. Stuff regarding other members can be posted here, such as ‘Say congrats to Derek for winning the lottery’ etc…

Classifieds = The ONLY forum to buy and sell your items.

Projects & Announcements = The place to announce your new sculpt, website, forum, movie. Anything you’ve been working on, or plan on developing in the future.

New Members = A special forum for newer members to ask questions, post their stuff. Get a general feel for the board.

Mask Purchases from Companies = A place to share your trading experiences with any company.

Mask Purchases from other Users = A place to share your trading experiences with other members.

Thanks for reading. :smiley:


Now that the subforum of the holiday is gone, is it ok to post Halloween the holiday related stuff in Gen Diss, or does it fall under something else? Personally I like that stuff in Gen Diss.

Any topics that have a link to another website, that has a forum, will be moved to the project/announcement section as well.
General Discussion is for THIS website. If there is something on another website, and you want to share it here, you can always cut and paste it, to the “General Discussion”.
If a link is posted, we will not delete the thread, it will only be moved. I’ve made this clear in the past but it continues to happen constantly, and then members pm me upset, on why the topic was moved. I just wanted to reitterate this…

Hey guys…Ive been doing my best to follow that…What if we have pics of several mask to post…Sometimes I take shots of a few mask like my RZ’s and other original mask and instead od makinf 2 post I just post them all in one thread…Should we just make the 2 different post in each section if we have different mask to post or is it ok to bunch them together…Thanks

That was my exact thought…again… Will it be alright if members post their masks and scores, but mixed with an original HALLOWEEN mask, and a Rob Zombie Mask?

And I recommend putting this topic at the top of the General Discussion (where all of Dereks Rules are, Contests, Just the HighLighted Topics)

General Discussion is for all talk relating to the original Myers and Halloween franchise. Michael Myers, location shots, masks, the actors, conventions etc… Halloween stuff (as in the holiday) such as ghost stories, pics of pumpkin patches, legends etc should be in off topic, as it is not directly related to Myers. :slight_smile:

It’s your call on that. We are asking that people follow the guidelines as to what masks are posted where, but if there is one RZ mask in a shot with 4 original masks, obviously it’s fine to post in general. If you score a new RZ mask, that needs to be in the RZ section. :sunglasses:

With that being said, we do not want people purposely taking shots of their ‘RZ mask’ and just adding a H1 mask behind it simply to get in it general.

I will repeat, it doesn’t make your post any less important if it’s in the RZ section.

I will be making this a sticky topic, after a day or two. :smiley:

Amen, Steve. :smiley:

i personally feel new RZ mask scores should be able to be posted in the General Discussion.
the key word in “Rob Zombie Halloween Films” forum is the word “FILMS”. for talk about the merits of the film sure keep in the RZ forum but a new mask score is a new mask score. i know alot of people here who dont like the RZ movies but really like and own the masks from the films.
i myself dont own an RZ style mask but i certainly feel that anyone who buys an RZ style mask should be able to post it in the General discussion, as a new mask will not start an argument because its not talking about the credibility of the film, its only showing off the mask representation of the film. which like i said there are alot of anti-zombie fans here that really like the masks.
sorry i just feel that not being able to post “a new score” from ANY film in the series in the general discussion is B.S!
i think that should be lobbied to Derek.

They held a vote regarding the creation of the RZ forum, and most people wanted it. Many fans of the original series were getting sick of seeing RZ masks everwhere.

We used to get many PM’s from people complaining and suggesting a RZ forum.

Derek created the RZ forum for the reason of keeping things seperate. Everyone who visits the RZ forum will appreciate seeing a ‘new RZ mask score’ where as many people in General Discussion are anti RZ movies, so do not like to see the masks. I personally like both takes on the franchise, so I use both forums. For the third time, I’ll repeat, it doesn’t make your post any less important if it’s in the RZ section. It’s just indexing the board to keep things tidy.

maybe each film in the series should have its own section seeing as how many people are particular to certain films and masks in the series… :unamused:

obviously being sarcastic, but seriously how far does this place have to go to keep certain folks happy? the mask changed alot as the series continued, it just seems a little biased to alienate one film out of so many

not asking to discuss the film in general discussion, but come on, now the sight of the costume and or mask is upsetting people ? that just sounds ridiculous to me, saying that a certain mask or costume isn’t “front page worthy”

exactly! i dont care for even looking at H5, H6 or H8 masks so i dont click on those threads.
but a new mask score is a new mask score wheather it be an H1 replica or any other replica mask from the series.
i dont even own an RZ style mask and i think thats biased B.S! when someone posts an RZ mask they dont go into detail about their opinion of the film, they’re just simply wanting to share and show off there new score.
i was told there was a vote that decided this factor. that must have beed before i started coming here. perhaps there should be another vote because im all for

It doesn’t really bother me one way or the other, I like all the masks, except the H2RZ that’s torn to shreds. but I see where Steve is coming from with the whole RZ section. The RZ films are not really considered sequels but remakes, the GP section is for H1 and the sequels. There was a vote just a few weeks back and it was voted to keep the RZ forum and keep all things RZ in that forum. Then on the other hand the RZ masks are Myers masks so I see that point too. I guess the masses voted to keep all things RZ in the RZ section.

Fellas, we are just enforcing the rules that Derek set on HIS board. It is possible that he could change his mind about allowing certain posts in General Discussion, but you all need to take that up with him. If he says it is okay then we will certainly be on board with his decision.

I think it was Derek who put this to the vote a few weeks back, and everyone voted to keep the RZ section and all things RZ in there. I would think that pretty much says it all…the members made the decision, it was pretty much a landslide vote too.

sure i remember that vote as i too said leave the RZ forum as a permanent forum for the MOVIE discussion. as i recall NOTHING was said in that vote thread about having to post your new rz mask scores in that forum as well .

honestly ron i dont know why im speaking out on behalf of “equal mask posting rights” as i do not care much for the RZ style masks.
i guess im just for fairness and equality across the board. a new myers mask is a new myers mask wheather you liked the film it represents or not.

I hear ya. It’s a good point indeed, but because there are so many sequel masks it would keep the GD forum a little less crowded. I don’t know, like I said I really don’t care one way or the other. Whatever is best for the board.

At the end of the day, we are doing what Derek asked. I’ll repeat for the 4th and final time… it doesn’t make your post any less important if it’s in the RZ section.

This is like someone called Mr Smith complaining because his name isn’t first in the phone directory. Use the whole board, then there will be no problems.

lets be honest, its obviously makes it less important… then there would be an RZ Latest Discussion on the front page…

maybe the main list of forums should be on the front page…

Honestly, this is just f’n ridiculous. OK guys, do you wanna see “CHECK OUT MY NEW SCORE!!!” in the RZ forum to see a PSYCHO??? :unamused: I’m rather sick and tired of members questioning EVERY action or request a MOD makes. This just shows what we have here. VERY disappointing.