I made the decision to fix an eye cut that felt a little off to me, and scissors made it a bit bumpy. I think it’s better than it was, but I was wondering if anyone knew a better tool to use for this…and to fix the bumps without taking too much off? Thanks!
Thanks! I’ve always wanted one of those anyway, so I’ll pick one up and see if I can smooth it out. Another problem I had was the color of the blank showing where I cut…I used some white acrylic paint with a Qtip but it was brighter than I wanted. I might get some grey to mix it.
Looks way better. I love a NAG mask but the eye cuts never seem to look right to me. Ive owned a 75k SE and the only thing that kept it from being perfect to me were the eyecuts
Yeah he often seems to cut them differently and in a rush, with his skills he could cut them perfectly if he wanted to, no wonder why most of his masks finished by him have the 2 eyes cut with different shapes and size…
This is one of the main things that makes JC’s(and others) work superior imo. And the paint/hair/ weathering of course. It’s honestly like night & day. I like that adjustment you made bud. Good luck with the rest of the job
Absolutely! but do you think Nikos is really unable to cut eyes properly? shouldn’t be that difficult for an artist at that level to cut some eyes, I can understand painting, weathering etc, but cutting some eyes in a proper way consistently without relying on luck or mood is something that he can do I think.
Thanks, guys! I actually used a JC picture as reference so I didn’t screw up too much!
Nikos cuts are a little too round, I guess you can say…you need that almond shape with a little tilt. The picture of Nick shows it’s all eye cuts that gives it that great look- with do respect to his stretch.
Nice work! Yeah, try a Dremel with a felt tip bit on slow speed. I would test a small section, like the hole punch at the top of the neck slit to see how it works and get the right speed