I’ve posted a few of these in the POTD threads, but I wanted to show them off in one thread for the forum.
I’ve mentioned before that my friend has a Myers replica house about an hour from me. I usually go out there for his big Halloween bash and I’m the unofficial mascot. It’s a lot of work, and a lot like being at a haunted house, but more chill. Anyway he called me up earlier this year saying Fangoria was back and they wanted to do a shoot at his house, so I came out and met a local photographer and we took photos for a few hours.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get credit in the magazine, and most of these didn’t make it in as the article was about his house. I didn’t think to ask them to credit me until it was too late, but oh well. I got some good photos out of it and it was cool to be in Fangoria. The photographer was amazing and I was very pleased with her work.
It never ceases to amaze me how the NO shat photographs. Sometimes it looks like an H1 and sometimes it’s a perfect H2. And the finishing by JC makes it beautiful in any light. Hell of a mask.
Hope you guys enjoy and Happy Halloween!