
Has anyone seen a copy of Fangoria in a store for sale? I tried my comic book shops, Barnes and Noble and Walmart and have not found one. I am in Las Vegas if this helps.

I don’t think they will be available in stores at all. Pretty sure I read somewhere that it is now subscription only, which is too bad because I wanted to subscribe, but not for $60 for four issues.

I used to get that magazine when I was a kid back in the late 80’s early 90’s. Great mag!

I kept the ones that had Halloween in it. :myers:

Those are awesome,it would have been nice to pick this up on a newsstand but I am not paying 60-80 for the sub.

They aren’t being released in stores sadly so they are already being sold by resellers in eBay

Per their IG they are going through Diamond and will only be available at comic shops that ordered them. They will not be at B&N. I’ve tried all the comic shops around me with no luck, they either didn’t know about it and can’t get any copies due to being sold out or they just didn’t have any interest in getting them in the first place.

It’s a shame because if they sold in more stores they would sell especially with the new Halloween movie coming out.

Damn thing is going for $55 on ebay already… it just came out like 2 days ago lol…

Here’s where to get one at cost (and shipping) but you better act fast, I doubt they will last long. I bought mine and had it in hand three business days later.

PLEASE don’t buy these just to flip, let the fans get a good price.

Wow! Thanks for the link brother, finally a site with a reasonable price! I thought they were sold out everywhere once I saw the asking prices on eBay

You’re welcome. I ordered mine Saturday and have it in my hands now, great experience.

You’re the man lantern! Just ordered my copy. Thanks again brother :rock:

I’m actually in the issue! And I still haven’t seen it lol.

I should have a copy this saturday though.

Thanks for this! Ordered a subscription the other day just in case I couldn’t find one. I’ll put one in a frame and leave the other out to read :smiley:

Thank you so much for the heads up man! Just snagged my copy :myers:

You rule, I have been driving all over Vegas with hopes of getting one and no luck. Ordered and thanks again good looking out.