For me it’s gotta be these two hands down
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I can see why . They are really nice masks.
Right now for me its this H6 Tots . Had some difficulties rehauling my kills/78/ends/h6 one day ill get them right.
Thats a real nice copy. Great picture bud.
Appreciate it, and that H6 looks good brother
All of these pieces are fantastic! Of all my masks I own, I’m having a tough time choosing a favorite mask because I’m truly fond of each one. Once I make my decision, I’ll definitely share it with all of you all. Enjoy your Halloween all; stay safe.
These are all perfect masks everyone:jack_o_lantern:happy Halloween
Amazing variety of masks in here. Grails for sure.
Beautiful treat for the eyes. The castles and supremes are 2 of my fav masks.