Favorite H2 sculpt!

Hey guys, I’ve been after a H2 for a while now but with not much luck looking in the classifieds and eBay, found a couple but bad timing with funds. I am going to go the route of getting a blank rehauled by probably Freddy Loper. I like his H2 style a lot. What are your guys favorite H2 sculpts?? Thanks in advance! :rock:

I really recommend the NAG 98/99 Shatner. It’s a great H2 that looks wonderful

H2SM, no rehaul needed. I’ve seen a lot of Rowland’s direct from him and he hits it out of the park.


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Definitely an option. Do you know if he still makes the blanks?

Does he have a Facebook or Instagram?

Yeah, Rowland Kelly on FB. He also has an account here.

Cgp makes best H2 imo.

Not sure but maybe, I’ve been wondering the same thing about the NAG 2k retool

NAG Nightmare and NAG 75K Castle. Yeah I know it has Castle stretch sculpted in it but I personally never saw it and it makes perfect H1 and H2

I have the Castle myself and I don’t see the build in castle stretch either. The shape is just more oval than round which a lot of other sculpts is as well.

Nag 98 proto and old mold 75k and the H2SM are my favorite H2s. The cgp Warlock is a great option as well.
JC Nag 98 proto H2 (not mine)

Freddy Loper blood tears Nag 75k old mold

H2SM finished by Benn7

CGP Warlock

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Honestly as a few have stated even the castle 75k looks good as an H2. So I’d be willing to say just about any h1 nag sculpt would pull it off, after all it was the same mask. That being said I’ve seen some good Nightowl Shat/Creep H2s as well.

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That Blood Tears is absolute insanity. The 98 is a monster! For me, the dirtier the better for H2. Not a big fan of the Warlock but that grimey look makes that copy look awesome and pure 1981

The blood tears is badass! Gonna go to that for sure, the 75k old mold and send it to Freddy. As long as nik still
Makes the old mold.

Thank you for everyone’s help! :drinkers:

Thanks guys, I’m not usually a fan of the blood tears, but had to have this copy when I seen it. That 98 is why I want one finished by JC as an H2! I agree Futurereference the dirtier, grimier the better for h2s! Happy to help too btw theshape128!

The blood tears I posted is now for sale if anyone is interested shoot me an offer. It’s listed in the classifieds.

I have both a warlock and h2sm by Rowland and I think the h2sm is fantastic. Rowland is a great artist and is killing them lately

current lineup:
tots 40 rehauled
NAG nightmare UL
Phase 78
Russell Lewis destroyer
tots Kirk rehauled


I would recommend an HMan from Handiboy done up 1981 style. I also do like the Warlock and the H2SM. If my regular NAG 75K had an H2 finish…it would be a killer H2 as well.
