Favorite Halloween film or films in the franchise and why?

:myers: :myers

For me:
Halloween (1978)
Halloween 2 (1981)
Halloween (2018)
Halloween 4
Halloween 3

The rest I dislike but I do like the atmosphere to H6 even though I hate that film but that’s just my opinion.

I like films 1-8 and '18. I watch them in order. I don’t really concern myself with the multiple timelines. If I watch one of the films out of order it’s 1 or 3 because they are complete stories by themselves.

I enjoy them all. The ones I enjoy the most would be 1-5 and the newest Halloween 18. If I had to pick my favorite it would defiantly be H1.

1 and 2 are the best followed by RZ 1 then H40 for me. Don’t mind H20 but have only seen 4 5 and 6 once and that was enough for me lol

For me there are only a small handful of films in the franchise. I will list favorite to least favorite.
Halloween 2018
Halloween 1978
Halloween 2007
Halloween II 1981
Halloween 4
The rest of the films I am not a fan of at all though I will say that I love the look of Myers in Halloween II 2009 but only the dream sequence look.

H2 2009 can you imagine if the whole film was as good as the hospital dream !!

One can only imagine. The movie shot its load to quick. For me the rest of the film did not live up to that one bit, but it was a badass moment.

  1. H1/2- all around a great watch especially when back to back. Always been 2 favorites of mine.

  2. 4/5- ultimate nostalgia for me. Love this films overall and they perfectly depict fall over here in the Midwest. Especially H4!

The remainder of the films are scattered and swap places a lot for which ones I like the best! Haha

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My favorites are H1, H2, H3, and H4, with my absolute favorite of all being H1 of course. I can watch H5, as bad as it may be, but the nostalgia is what helps me get through it. As for the rest of the series, including H18, I couldn’t care less for.

In order of most to least I’d say H1, H2, H40, H4, H3, and H20 to a point. It’s a little too 90’s for me at times but it’s still enjoyable. The rest honestly I can do without

Halloween 1 & 2 (78/81)
That IS Michael Myers. No weak story-lines, misplaced attempts at humor, and for God’s sake no white trash back story. The original two are what the boogeyman is all about for me :pumpkin:

I might get flak for this, but The Curse of Michael Myers is probably my favorite.

I know I sound like a fanboy, but that is genuinely how I feel. There’s just something about the atmosphere in this movie that is really gothic, moody, dark and dreadful.

Michael is brutal in his killings, and probably more so in the theatrical version. From impaling the midwife to the wall, the truck driver’s neck snapping, Jamie’s theatrical death by farm equipment disembowelment, Debra Strode’s death by axe, John Strode’s head exploding, to the doctors being slaughtered in the operating room, and Michael pushing that one doctor’s face through the gates. George P. Wilbur and A. Michael Lerner really went all out in their portrayals as the Shape.

Paul Rudd and Marianne Hagan are great leads, and Donald Pleasence never fails to impress, of course.

I like the idea of the curse of Thorn being the reason behind Michael’s madness and immortality. The scenes with the cult are really atmospheric and pagan. The only thing I hate is the implication of Michael being the father of Jamie’s baby in the producer’s cut. Michael being a killing machine is one thing, but the Boogeyman being an incestuous rapist seems… “off.”

The producer’s cut is probably the version I prefer out of the two, but there are things I like about the theatrical version, as well. The producer’s cut has a more coherent storyline, but the theatrical version leaves you implying things and thinking “where are they going with this?”

The producer’s cut had the better score overall, courtesy of Alan Howarth, but the theatrical cut also had the guitar themes courtesy of Paul Rabjohns, which, I, personally, also enjoy. I also really like the song “And Fools Shine On” by Brother Cane.

The producer’s cut has extra scenes that I feel lead to more character development, has more scenes with Loomis (fuck the person who said he was boring), but as I mentioned earlier, the theatrical cut has more gore, and it also has scarier scenes than the producer’s cut. Jamie and Michael in the barn, the final act with Michael and Tommy in the maximum security ward, the operating room slaughtering, and the last stand with the gang and Michael in that laboratory are really badass and terrifying.

Finally, the mask is really badass and evil looking, and probably the best one next to the original.


This is pretty hard for me to list off depending on the viewpoint, as rating these films subjectively and objectively are very different tasks, but I’ll try my best.

My favorite films in the franchise are as follows

John Carpenter’s HalloweeN

Halloween III : Season of the Witch

HalloweeN IV : The Return of Michael Myers

And then a tie between… HalloweeN II & HalloweeeN 2018.

This is my personal ranking, because as a fan of film and movie making in general, I think there’s a very clear argument to be made that HalloweeN 2018 is the best sequel in the franchise by a landslide followed by H20… and RZH2. I know how utterly despised that film is as a Halloween movie, but it should be praised for its merits as a horror film in general. It’s really quite good as it’s own thing and deserves to be looked at differently.

Oh, and I wouldn’t forget either cut of HalloweeN 6! I really, really love that movie as it’s own strange little part of the Michael Myers legacy for its outlandishness and amazing Autumnal atmosphere. George P. Wilbur as The Shape in that movie is also really terrifying, albeit he seems a little bloated in some shots; doesn’t make him any less vicious though! :laughing:

Yup :drinkers:

Halloween 1978…because it is the best! H4 because of the atmosphere and H40