Finally completely finished the hair on my kills mask. FINALLY!

Just got it! I currently have it stuffed just to reshape (no pun intended) from being in a box for about a week. Still got the H40 peeling?

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It had a big turnaround today I finally finished peeling it. Now Iā€™ve already painted a blackish brown and have started to paint a white layer. After that Iā€™m gonna do a yellowish wash over it and paint the crack details.

Great! Iā€™m glad itā€™s all off. But a word of advice for the yellow wash, depending on what look youā€™re going for, water it down a fair amount. Some masks obviously are more warm and ivory, while some are whiter (as shown below). I didnā€™t do any washes on mine to change the tone, but its all preference.

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ThanksšŸ˜Š, Iā€™m going for a little more yellowish white like the top picture but not too yellow.

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No problem! I like that look too. I wanna buy another H40 and try it eventually. As said before, just make sure the wash is light, try not to make it too thick because it could really darken it and divert your aimed tone. If you sealed the mask before the wash and it has some trouble coming off with just water, you could try some isopropyl alcohol or baby wipes

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Yeah then it would look more like the kills too which makes more sense because itā€™s the same mask just without the fire damage

Pretty much! As shown in this trilogy of masks below, they all share that sort of ivory-aged base tone, with the Kills mask being the brightest, the H40 being more white, and the Ends being more green-yellow. But as said before: different masks, actors, stunts, lighting, etc. (excluding the picture with JJCā€™s white as heck mask vs the other two, just another example)

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Gotta love JJCā€™s set I love the look of all of them. They still have the yellow tent but to a perfect amount

Yea! Iā€™d like to do a set of masks that abide with that continuity, luckily all Iā€™d have to do is a yellower H40 and Iā€™d be set. Good luck though!

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I appreciate all your help Bart thank you for sticking aroundšŸ˜Š

It looks killer man!! Great job!!

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Thank you so very much itā€™s so nice to see you guys appreciating my hard work :jack_o_lantern:

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How do you do the crack wash without ruining the rest of the paint job?

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So this is a bit tricky. You donā€™t want the wash to be any bigger than the area of the cracks youā€™re doing. I find this as an optional step as of now really, as I didnā€™t do it to my Kills mask and it looks fine, but if you want Iā€™ll list the steps!

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Yea that would be really helpful. Iā€™ve tried doing the base color and the cracks a couple times now. Heres what I have so far not sure if Iā€™m happy with it or not. Havenā€™t painted his lips or shaded around his eyes or nose yet.

I think its very reminiscent of Castleā€™s mask. For the process, you just apply the wash only in the general area/span of the cracks. You can try wiping some of it away after a few seconds, but this can again get tedious as you may have to keep doing this until youā€™re satisfied with how it looks. After that, just lightly dry brush over it and you basically got the foundation of the cracks, where later you can go in with a brush and bring them out more with oil or acrylic paint.

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Iā€™ll keep trying and use your advice as I do, thank you for all the helpful advice my friend. And thank you for the compliment saying it resembles Castleā€™s mask.

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No problem man! Just ask whenever you need anything

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