You did a great job!
Thank you so much. You did an awesome job on your’s too😄
Thanks! I appreciate it!
Very nice! Love the way the hairlinr blends on the burnt side, I gotta do that when I start my other
Thank you bud😊 knowing people like my work makes it all worth it. I’m really impressed with your’s
We all got each other! I tried redoing the lips on mine and screwed it up pretty bad, so I’ll keep it but look for another to order and repaint
Oh man I’m sorry that happened to your’s, the shading on the lips and nose is really hard to get right for some reason. But just keep trying it might take a couple attempts but you’ll get it
Its all good! I just had it too dark is all. I’m gonna focus on my Ends mask first which is coming Monday, and lemme know if you need anymore help with your H40!
Can’t wait to see your Ends mask🎃 and I will ask you for more advice if I need it, thank you for being a friend😊
Did you strip the stock paint off your mask?
My H40 or Kills? Either way I didn’t, its been way too hard even with all of the acetone treatments I did to remove my own applied paint to the Kills mask. If I knew how I still probably wouldn’t because then I’d have to remove the hair as well
The problem with mine is when I asked you what dry brushing was last night it was already too late and the layer of white i has was too thick you couldn’t see any details. When I tried to wipe it off the stock paint started peeling too so now I have to peel it all off for it to be even😫
Dang! Well it will benefit to have literally all the paint off, so you’ll probably get better results! But yea, just thin, light layers at a time until you get a good base with those details showing fairly well. But try starting with the washes first! And don’t forget those seals. P.s you got a super good mold!
Thank you again friend and your right that is a good mold😊
Hey! I got another piece of advice for the hair of any mask that you could benefit from. I recently restyled the hair on my Kills and H40, and found that using a spray bottle to get the hair really wet, then just using your hands to kind of messily comb it back and then matting it with gel and finishing with hair spray gets a really good look! This is primarily for the H40, but it looks good on the Kills mask too (its very reminiscent of the screen used H40 as shown below)
That’ll work great I still haven’t got all the damn stock paint peel off it’s like concrete. I found using sandpaper works but the process is so slow and irritating
Cool! Just know it’ll be better worth it with all the excess paint off. Come to think of it, how’d you even get the stock paint off??
It started peeling off the forehead. It happened because I painted a layer of white that was too thick and when I tried to wipe it off the stock paint started peeling too😆. Now I’m finishing the job by soaking it overnight and using sandpaper
How is the Ends mask going?