Finally had my music released after years of torment

Hey guys. I have ADHD so will add a TLDR for this post. Firstly, I have truly missed logging in here and just being myself. If you noticed, there were huge gaps in my activity on here. Same with Facebook. My “manager” who was also my producer, basically kept me from releasing music from early 2017-late 2022. I signed a contract for a Record Label that didn’t exist. Long story short, obviously cut ties with the clown but he successfully stole about 6 years of my life. All these fake lies, excuses for payment, plus I cannot release any songs I performed under my last name. He got me good.

I’m not sure what you’d call my style. Truthfully, I’m a lyricist at heart and considered myself a rapper. This was all about the limited beat selection. They are very slow tempo. This is what has got me perplexed, as this slower sounding music has actually gotten me heard in over 100 countries and an average of ~81 monthly. I am hard headed and didn’t want anybody here to feel pressured to listen to my music. I felt I had to prove myself to myself. I’ve had weird months with 9k listeners but between 1,500 & 3,000 random strangers relate to my stuff. That’s all I ever wanted.

Anyway, my musician name is “L-Wave”. I already have PTSD but the trauma from losing my old alias made me trademark the name lol. I won’t have a chance of this dude even entering my mind. It isn’t worth it. I don’t have control of most things, only Spotify. I’m able to see when I get new followers. For the first year of my life didn’t have family so no Thanksgiving or Christmas. Merry belated to all who celebrate! The biggest gift you could give me is simply a follow on Spotify as their algorithms are very odd and tough.


My ex-manager illegally has my old music and for 6 years controlled my life. I couldn’t release music. Now I have done so, and should’ve posted about it here sooner. I wanted to grow organically but realize I miss all of you and this is dark shit which I believe many of you will relate to.

I go by L-Wave. Spotify is #1 for me because that’s what most use and also I can manage it. For some reason, I am on YouTube, but listed as a Topic? Here are my links if you want to support, follow, comment or just listen. I hope you don’t relate to the lyrics and but I know life isn’t fair. This is my favorite song.

YouTube -

Apple Music -


The song is “Bad Surroundings”. If you can spot where the samples are from you’d be the first lol. Most popular song is “Snoking 4 Piece” but they’re all short, lyrical, and dark. Thanks in advance to any follower and most of my releases are Myers photos :joy: I can’t get away from it. Even my artist page nobody sees my face. Just The Shape :smiling_imp: