First Ever Mask Rehaul Attempt [TOTS '78]

This will be my first ever rehaul and in the past few weeks I’ve managed to get my hands on a TOTS 78 mask (after years of debating), a new decent airbrush kit, some paint (acrylic) and some 5092 Flex Additive to keep acrylic paint bonded to the latex.

I need a few more things like the cuticle scissors for precision on the eyes, liquid latex for putting the hair back on and lacquer remover (not everyone uses that method) to strip a fine layer of the base paint off to have the paint/flex additive sit nicely. Do I need remover for the step before painting? I’ve watched a handful of videos and some seal masks with polyurethane/liquid latex, some don’t and use flex additive.

Guess it depends on what paint you’re using?
The video I’m going off of (, she uses Createx Colors Flexible Adhesion Promoter for airbrushing. I ordered that off of Amazon and got a different bottle (5092) but it’s the same thing from what I’ve searched. She uses acrylic paint with some distilled water then adds that adhesion stuff (no detail on what ratio with that included) and she uses no sealer like the combination others have used to seal the paint in (I assume 5092 is for that and acrylic adhesion?)

I’m completely new to using an airbrush machine and will be messing around on a canvas to get used to it, any tips and pointers in regards to this method of rehauling with this set up would greatly be appreciated. :jack_o_lantern:

To achieve success with airbrushing, it’s important to recognize that each airbrush, compressor, and airbrush paint operates uniquely. To begin, focus on mastering a consistent and controlled flow without experiencing issues like dripping, splattering, blowback, or clogs. Keeping your equipment meticulously clean before, during, and after each use is essential for honing your airbrushing skills. PRACTICE!

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