First time Captain Kirk mask conversion

First time kirk mask conversion. Was trying to go for a 1978 look, i did not take my time on the eye holes and completely botched them. But for my first time i think it came out alright, im pretty happy with it, it’s mine and i like it.

I learned alot and i plan on another attempt in the future, my main goal is improving the eye cuts, can anybody please give me any tips on improving the eye cuts?

My tip for eye cuts is to start small and slowly enlarge them. You need to get the shape right first, then dremel the edges until you think you’ve got it.

I don’t know about the new Kirks from TOTS, but the old ones had guidelines and weren’t accurate, so if the new ones have those, you probably don’t want to use them. Look at all the behind the scene photos you can find.

And don’t get discouraged. The eye cuts are the most important and difficult part because they are the only form of expression on a mostly white, blank canvas. They can make it or break it and there isn’t a single person on this forum that has ever nailed it on their first of second attempt.

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Thanks for responding,

I was a little in over my head. After multiple failed attempts at drawing the eye cuts i finally got something that looked relatively close and i got excited and just started cutting them without really thinking first.

Like i said i was really hoping i could make a copy of the '78 mask, but instead it just turned into something unique and i can call it mine. I think thats pretty cool. I wanna do another one but i am going to wait and do more research and practice. In the meantime i have a TOTS boogeyman mask coming in the mail to mess with.

The boogeyman is a great platform for beginners. The eyes need only a little bit of tweaking so you won’t be in over your head.

If I remember correctly, the Kirk and boogeyman share the same mold. I’ve always preferred the boogeyman over the 78 because of that.

Good luck :+1: