Fish Belly White Mixture

What colors do you mix together to get Fish Belly white? I’m gonna try a kirk conversions and want to get as close as I can to the color.

Im not sure on the specific names of the colors/pigments,

Fishbelly paint is white w/ a metallic silver pigment in it. Theres a thread here somewhere they might even make it still.
Its used in taxidermy for people stuffing & hanging fish they catch. Some taxidermy website had it maybe?
(Also remember the paint was a spray paint can, not something meant for a natural material like latex)

I just mix white acryllic paint into my paint/latex mix. Then I slowly add drops of silver acryllic paint and stir it in.
Not too much silver acryllic paint. Just enough to make the flat white abit shiny and metllic, metallic white I guess :rolleyes: ?
shake the silver paint really good so the metal pigment is even.

When I did my Tots kirk after doing the above as my white basecoat, I drybrushed alittle silver paint over the detail.
You’d never know its there until it catches the light, and the white shines a tad.
If it was flat white paint from a spraycan it would look H4, the silver fishbelly white was smart idea by TLW.
The mask doesnt look printer paper white and the camera catches detail in low light scenes/pictures

That is a damn nice description. I have similarly fooled around searching out the perfect color adding just a touch of silver. Same with the hair. When I finally discovered the vintage Chewbacca’s had Kirk hair and could be cannibalized it was nirvana. I probably went a little insane with the KH trying to perfect it. :axe: :axe: :axe:

Warm White + Pearl White? The pearl does have a metallic sheen, but wouldn’t be right on it’s own.

Fish bottom, for sure

but maybe id have a secret affair with fish top one - mainly for paperbag-driven anal pleasure from time to time

fucked up nuff for you, ILF?