FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOUR FOREIGN HALLOWEEN MOVIE POSTERS :smiley: What started off as something I thought was just kind of cool has turned into an addiction thanks to my bro Donnie :laughing: And here is the 1st of hopefully many new foreign HALLOWEEN posters that will be added to my collection. I can’t read them but who cares :laughing: The artwork is cool and different than the domestic releases. This one is on its way to me as I type this. Mike :smiley:


Sweet poster Mike! I only have 2 foriegn posters…
H1 Belgian and H2 German

Those are really cool. Thanks for sharing. Mike :smiley:

Japanese H2

One poster I’ve been searching for ever…I know Billy owns a copy :mrgreen:
Often mistaken for a poster from 78. This poster is actually from a very limited rescreening from the 80’s.
Probably the most rarest Halloween Japanese poster and is actually worth more than the Japanese one-sheet from 78/79.

I’ve always loved those posters T! I hope you can score the 80’s release some day. :sunglasses:

Thanks Todd :slight_smile:
The flyer version of the one I mentioned tend to pop up.
There was a movie shop nearby that had a box full of these(flyers) during highschool. I curse myself for not picking one up :frowning:

The Japanese versions have without a doubt the most amazing artwork IMO! :open_mouth:
Thanks for sharing K and hope you will score an 80’s poster someday!

Thanks for the kind words :slight_smile:
As for now I’ll be drooling over Mike’s Spanish H2 :mrgreen:

Kaizu…I really love the Japanese artwork and your H2 is AMAZING. :rock: My collection will never be complete without at least one of those incredible Japanese HALLOWEEN posters. Thanks for sharing it bro. Mike :smiley:

Darn it! A thread like this would pop up in the middle of getting moved. Just open the 2 tape VHS of Halloween and you can see some of my posters; I’ve got a lot more now. The prize of the collection is the actual press that was used to make the Halloween window card back in 1978. I got that from some guy that had a printing press down in Missouri. You gotta love Flea Markets.

Here is a shot of the mock-up Halloween II poster for Universal that was used in their coming soon books. Look at who the director is; Tommy Lee Wallace.

That’s much rarer than scoring a Return of the Jedi poster that says Revenge of the Jedi :slight_smile:
Cool stuff Billy!

Thanks Mike :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

kaizu awesome stuff there man. that h2 is blowin my mind.

here are mine.
AUS day bill

and a belgian petite (i think)

Great posters guys… Hey Billy I was hoping to see you post in the thread. Once you get settled in please share the rest of your poster collection. It would be awesome to see them. Mike :rock: :rock:

that Japanese H2 poster is simply amazing, love the artwork on it.

I WILL have that one day :laughing:

Does anyone on here actually own that 80’s release?? Billy… I have a feeling you may own it. :laughing:

Great post, and great posters everybody!! I always love seeing stuff like this!

Here are some of my foreign Halloween posters: