Friday pics of the day!!!!

Way to go Jinxy… :stuck_out_tongue:

What a great mask.

_KH less thus far… :frowning:

Here is my Display what it looks like without its pappy.

The Youngling


HSS First Tramer

Tramer has a fro! :open_mouth:

It’s Friday! I love the pics everybody. Chad that mask is fantastic!!! The colors are INSANE!

Tom Atkins “Dr. Challis I need a drink” mask… still dreaming that someone will make it!

saw this vixen in tampa a few years back. I was crying laughing in the front seat taking this picture. IT’S KING FISH!!!

3pidemiC’s Dying Rubies mask :frowning:

Awesome colors Payton!! :open_mouth: :smiley:

OMG, Matthew, he is too cute! :smiley:

Thanks Katie. He is a fun little slug. I call him Slug cause he leaves a trail of drool everywhere he goes. Good thing I have tile…lol

haha, little dude looks just like you!

Thank you, storm58!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: