Friday pics of the day!!!!

Let’s post them away!!! :smiley:

Nice lighting Weana :slight_smile:

[quote=“kaizu”]Nice lighting Weana :slight_smile:

Thank you, Kaizu!!! :smiley: Also a NICE mask what you have there… :smiley:

Thanks brotha :wink:

It’s Almost Time!!!

Hey MICHAELMYERS FANS//// PIC HEAVY//////this is my CUSTOM YOUNG MICHAEL MYERS & Base //STEVE Collectable FIGURE/DISPLAY FROM ROB ZOMBIE’S HALLOWEENthat i made recently, its almost 100% complete , tell me what u think, aLso i might be putting up on EBAY////// i have a video on Youtube that you can watch of my creation//// thanks and Enjoy

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Hey MICHAELMYERS FANS//// PIC HEAVY//////this is my CUSTOM YOUNG MICHAEL MYERS & Base //STEVE Collectable FIGURE/DISPLAY FROM ROB ZOMBIE’S HALLOWEENthat i made recently, its almost 100% complete , tell me what u think, aLso i might be putting up on EBAY////// i have a video on Youtube that you can watch of my creation//// thanks and Enjoy

<param]("></param><param) name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true”>

Hey MICHAELMYERS FANS//// PIC HEAVY//////this is my CUSTOM YOUNG MICHAEL MYERS & Base //STEVE Collectable FIGURE/DISPLAY FROM ROB ZOMBIE’S HALLOWEENthat i made recently, its almost 100% complete , tell me what u think, aLso i might be putting up on EBAY////// i have a video on Youtube that you can watch of my creation//// thanks and Enjoy

<param]("></param><param) name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true”>

Hey MICHAELMYERS FANS//// PIC HEAVY//////this is my CUSTOM YOUNG MICHAEL MYERS & Base //STEVE Collectable FIGURE/DISPLAY FROM ROB ZOMBIE’S HALLOWEENthat i made recently, its almost 100% complete , tell me what u think, aLso i might be putting up on EBAY////// i have a video on Youtube that you can watch of my creation//// thanks and Enjoy

<param]("></param><param) name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true”>

Hey MICHAELMYERS FANS//// PIC HEAVY//////this is my CUSTOM YOUNG MICHAEL MYERS & Base //STEVE Collectable FIGURE/DISPLAY FROM ROB ZOMBIE’S HALLOWEENthat i made recently, its almost 100% complete , tell me what u think, aLso i might be putting up on EBAY////// i have a video on Youtube that you can watch of my creation//// thanks and Enjoy

<param]("></param><param) name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true”>

Creepy doorway shot, Kaizu…I dig it! :smiley:

J, that is too sweet, even if you guys are trying to look mean! :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice pics, guys! It’s early yet, keep it going. :sunglasses:

Thanks Katie, :smiley:
I said to him, Give me your mean look, and he did, its hilarious. :laughing:
He gives that look everytime he pouts, he gives a quick look, turns around, and walks off, it cracks me up. :laughing:
See Ya!

AWESOME PICTURE!! :open_mouth:

It should be arriving today! :sunglasses: :mrgreen: :supz:

OG baby!

Nice Chadwick! That is an awesome!

Some 8 x 10’s I got recently