The return of Friday the 13th Part 2 Jason Voorhees coming soon! The beginning of the overalls weathering!
The beginning of making the latex flesh wound!
The return of Friday the 13th Part 2 Jason Voorhees! Glued the latex wound into the shirt as usual, and now detailing the wound with more paints and blood!
The clean sack mask and test fitting is now done, next up the weathering of the mask and overalls!
Glued the latex wound into the shirt as usual, and now detailing the wound with more paints and blood!
Weathering is now done on the sack mask! Next up finishing the rest of the clothes and completing the life-sized!
Costume/life-sized now done, indoor pic!
The return of Friday the 13th Part 2 Jason Voorhees! Costume/life-sized now done, outdoor pics!
More daylight pics!
That may be your best work yet!
Friday the 13th Part 2 Jason Voorhees Costume Life-sized daylight video!
Last indoor close up pic of the sack mask!