FS: "H4:1988" Master/Rights, OG 1975 Kirk Hair Samples, Shatner Lifecast!

Up for sale are 3 items I don’t really want to let go of, but bills are more important :frowning:

First is the silicone master for my first ever sculpt the “H4:1988”. It does have some residual plaster on the face but nothing that effects surface detail. Photos below along with an example blank of what I pulled from the mold, which is included:
Asking $300 OBO, $100 OBO for blank:

Next for sale is 3 samples of OG 1975 Kirk hair, 2 off of actual Kirk masks- not just others from the DPS line, along with a 3rd lock of 1970s DPS Quasimodo hair. Open to Offers:

Next for sale is a plaster William Shatner lifecast. There is a chip in the side, as seen in the photos, but that will be repaired shortly.Asking $100

This plaster cast isnt still for sale is it?