Game Over!!! Most accurate RZ replica

The mask listed in this eBay auction is the most screen accurate mask ever made. It’s 1/1 and no others like it. U can’t deny this thing! Wow! I think it blows any other replica out the door!

2007 Michael Myers Costume Mask Boots Coveralls Accurate Rob Zombie Prop Lot

The Boots aren’t the accurate ones used in the film, the coveralls could be better.
The mask is pretty sick, but is actually a Buried from Dela Torre which isn’t an early run so the detail isn’t as crisp as the Buried 2 which was just released.
Pretty cool stuff though, also no offense to the seller since I am pretty sure he is a member here.
I think I remember seeing that mask on here last year.


Lmao! He can hang glide in those coveralls! Those pics man…so funny!

Is there someone underneath all that?

Lol I’ve seen way better masks, the hair looks like crap. Coveralls could be better. I would never pay $800 for that

Well that was good for a laugh :laughing:

those coveralls are sweet, and for someone to say scott spencers hairing looks like crap is a clown, dont mind these haters rock on man

Dude, what are you talking about? No one’s ‘hating’ on the OP. He simply posted the link for everyone to view and comment on. Who said Scott’s hairing looks like crap? Go back and read that auction. Nowhere in the description does it say Scott rehaired that Buried. By the way, myerssssss1 owns an entire line-up of Burieds rehaired by Scott. Don’t just assume everyone’s a hater either. I never hated on anything. I lol’ed at the auction pics, cuz they were funny to me. Lastly, I also own a Buried rehaired by Scott…psssh.

i know because that was my qots buried that i sold, he repainted and i painted the blood on it, i dont need to read the auction again, and thats a childs mannequin fyi, i just think everyone ripped apart this one too fast

Don’t be so sensitive. We’re all having a laugh at how stupid the setup looks on the little mannequin. Plus the threads titles states “Most accurate RZ rep” which it isn’t. The initial poster was basically asking for this to be criticized.

The OP should get off the drugs coz it isn’t the most accurate RZ replica and secondly, I would never pay anything for that auction that makes Myers look like a clown :laughing:

I am the owner and eBay member who listed this auction. Thanks for knocking my costume. You are only belittling this auction because my Buried is different from yours. I have seen the hero H9 up close at Halloween Town in Burbank on two occasions, and TO ME, I TRULY feel this is the best replica of the hero I have ever seen. That is my opinion, and based on the two recent positive and appraising posts that have been created on this forum … I’m obviously not the only who thinks so. The hair on this mask is superb. The paint and finish is absolutely incredible in its eggshell/grayed quality that Bob Causey gave it. I personally do not care at all for the Dela Tore Buried 2, it is overly rotted and far too heavy in brown values to depict the Rob Zombie mask properly. But you don’t see me invading posts that positively solicit that mask and bring it down do you? Think through what you post on here.

Thanks, hacknslash21. The work you did on this mask and coveralls was INSANE!

Stop crying bud, I stated my opinion and I stand by it.

thanks for the back up man