Just got this in today from Tommy. Always loved Tommy’s work and was glad to see he is still making these. I asked for a more cleaner look and a higher neck slit and it’s perfect! Tommy has always been quality and it shows for sure on this copy.
Just got this in today from Tommy. Always loved Tommy’s work and was glad to see he is still making these. I asked for a more cleaner look and a higher neck slit and it’s perfect! Tommy has always been quality and it shows for sure on this copy.
How do i contact tommy?
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I went thru his eBay, he regularly has up many blanks and you can message him to list a finished one. There’s actually one up right now.
Here’s a link - https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F163418712740
Love my copy also.
Great how the hair’s poofed on yours!
Always thought others made them to flat.
Yeah I played with the hair a little before I snapped these. It’s extremely soft too but easily workable. Love the paint up on your copy though!