Gloss vs Matte finish

So curious which is most liked for a Myers mask, you see some with a dull matte white finish, then there is ones with that shine to them guessing due to gloss finish paint, and which one is more screen accurate?

Looking at stills from Halloween (phone scene, closet scene etc) it looks to me like it could be more of a satin type finish. The paint looks pretty flat, but there is a tiny bit of diffused reflection that I don’t think a true matte finish would show, and proper gloss would probably be a nightmare to film. I prefer a more matte finish myself.

Ahh Satin, I never even thought about that. I have been doing some repaints myself just for fun and I just used matte on all them to this point but seeing some masks on YouTube they have a shine to them which when I look at mine with the matte I get no shine at all obviously so I figured it had to be gloss, or a wax of some sort on them. But satin is interesting, I may have to give that a go once I stock back up on some cheap masks to mess with.

I always think about the phone scene when this topic comes up. The mask looks really glossy in that scene. I’ve tried to light my “flat white” masks before to give them a glossy look and have had no luck. However a glossy mask can appear flat or satin in certain situations. Personally I prefer a middle of the road finish… a finish that can go either way depending on lighting. That’s usually how my customers see it as well.

Right on James. That always works best no doubt about it :myers: :drinkers:

I like the sweaty wet look myself.

What type do you use if don’t mind me asking

was going to say the same. I always think the phone scene looks really shiny. So it’s probably all about the lighting. (which any fan knows lighting is so important to a Myers mask it’s borderline ridiculous.)