Google Earth Real Haddonfield, Illinois

I live in IL approx 70 miles south of Chicago. Closest thing around me that reminds me of that Pasadena town is Dwight. I always want to do costume shots there but don’t want to get shot 6 times haha…

Dude that sounds really cool but not worth 6 shots :laughing: Ill have to check that out, thanks man :smiley:

Then there is this cool house from my bro’s old neighborhood. Gardner, IL

I too live in Illinois, about 45 miles southwest of Chicago, on the cusp of rural Illinois. I’ve always thought my town had a very “Haddonfield” feel to it.

It has the sleepy little neighborhoods filled with older homes:

The quaint, quiet main street:

The farm fields and country roads:

The creepy old cemetery:

And the best part? There’s a Myers house!

Awesome Davy! Excellent pics

I always pictured Haddonfield in the southern part of Illinois due to place names (some of which mimic those in western Kentucky), and Carpenter coming from western Kentucky, which borders southern Illinois (so he’d be more familiar with that area). Some place like Harrisburg maybe, perhaps something a bit different, a little bigger, a population between 13,000 and 50,000 I guess. Some place that has enough classic all-American suburbia and farmland and woods/forest nearby.
Great pics by the way Davy.

Carpenter attended Western Kentucky for college in Bowling Green, Ky. I have been going there yearly for 28 years to race my (9 Second) Buick Grand National at our Buick Nationals. If Michael ever went to a drag strip then it would be the old Beech Bend Park, where we race all week. Carpenter used the names of roads from Bowling Green in the first movie. It really does seem like Haddonfield too. The area he lived while in college was the same type as in Halloween. I always have loved it. Carpenter visited there too until his father passed away, I read somewhere.

My little town. Reminds me of Halloween every time I drive through it.
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Waxahachie tx is similar on theses few streets I filmed my Halloween parody.

There is a neighborhood close to my house that has a street that looks similar to Haddonfield. The neighborhood is Lake Redwine and the street is called High Garden Terrace. I tried to look at it on Google Map’s street view, but unfortunately they didnt go down the road. I’ll get some pictures soon. Heres an overhead view
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Two that come to mind (around me) are Dresden, Ohio and New Concord, Ohio. Both are so small that they’re considered villages. I went to high school in Dresden and it’s always had that atmosphere. There are 2 gas stations, a small locally owned pharmacy, etc…

Google maps doesn’t go there so I’ll have to drive over and take some pictures for you all. But there are plenty of Myers houses.

Here are some shots of New concord. I’ll have to go get some more sometime.