Got a new CAMERA ... Some MYERS Mask PICS

Still learning my new SONY A330 DSLR and I have a lot to learn but here are a few test pics. I plan on getting educated in the art of photo taking asap so I can utilize MANUAL instead of relying on AUTOMATIC MODE. Enjoy:



wow those are some great shots!! :open_mouth:
love the HERO
marcus :mrgreen:

Nice shots man, I hear ya on the “Automatic mode”. :axe: :axe: :axe:

very nice my friend, very nice…I look forward to seeing more…Later bud

great shots :sunglasses:

cool shots bro!

nice pics man. i wish i had even moderate photography skills.

I will tell you I am intimidated by my new camera but I really do want to learn the basics of photography and am ready for the challenge as this camera has inspired me.

Looks great Mike! You witch’a big daddy camera and all :stuck_out_tongue: I need to get me a dslr one of these days and a cute little brunette to teach me how to use it:mrgreen: Yeah right!

Always cool to see my earlier work! Thanks man.


Great pics Mike!!

Wow :open_mouth: amazing pics!

Thank you… Most of the credit goes to NIK for the great H78 and MINT 75 sculpts and the INCREDIBLE CONVERSIONS JC did with both of these masks. I am just glad the camera is able to show the incredible detail that is so visible in person. I really am excited about taking pictures with this new camera and hope to learn all I can about it so I can deliver really good photos people will be interested in looking at. Thanks again , Mike

Cool new Pictures…

Hey Mike how are you doing bro.
your new camera does great work! NOW i want to see high-quality guitar action :mrgreen:
congratulations :smiley:

:laughing: I am well. Thanks for the kind words. Hope you have a HAPPY NEW YEAR my brother. Mike

Nice to see some new shots of that Mint Mike :mrgreen:
Guess you’ll be putting down your axe(guitar) for awhile and will be in Myers land with your new camera!!
Enjoy bro :rock:

Bada Bing Bada Boom…Awesome stuff bud.

Yeah… I am definitely in CAMERA mode at the moment. :laughing: Cheers K. Mike :smiley: