Got the Scream Greats H1 Michael figure for Christmas…

…and I just gotta say, It’s pretty damn awesome. Likeness to the H1 mask is pretty good (a part of me wishes that it had the back neck split and the sewing needle stab wound, but both of their absences are far from dealbreakers for me). The pencil thin Castle build is very accurate and the pose he’s sculpted into is right on the money. The green on the jungle boots was a very welcome detail as well.

The whole interchangeable arm thing seemed kinda silly to me at first, but I find that it’s beneficial as you’re wayyyyy less likely to lose a whole ass arm than a tiny little hand. Knife fits perfectly in the hand of said arm and looks very nice. The pumpkin accessory is alright; I personally would’ve been fine if he had just come with the arm and knife, but its inclusion was probably a good move.

Overall, I am very happy with the figure and I really recommend it. I do still wish that other figure making companies would be given the H1 merch license rather than just TOTS having it, but this figure scratches my H1 itch so I’m not too mad about it right now.

Sorry if this was too long and drawn out, I just like talking about this sorta stuff!