H1 Closet Scene

It’s ok I’m making my own 2018 masks here in a couple days.

Haha I’m totally unresponsible with my money!

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Clearly the best 2018 imo also! Thank you very much!! I wanted to go the Tots / se7ensins but when I saw Nag version I went all for it!

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Tommy Lee Wallace is the mastermind behind the iconic mask, both in the creative process and specifically for the chilling H1 closet scene. His artistic vision and meticulous attention to detail elevated the mask to legendary status, accumulating immense recognition and a devoted fanbase that continues to celebrate its haunting allure.


For sale right now through NAG, not sure what size RK75

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My RK75 incoming is 23.5/24in ! The h40v2 is 24.5. Nikos sent me the tracking earlier ! As I’m Europe too, this should be here by the end of the week or beginning of next week max.

I’m not sure of my head size because I’ve kind of a big nose, kinda slim and long face and curly thick hair (I don’t look like Castle but we share the same features :joy:) that can skew up measurement…

If the mask is too tight for me I’ll probably wear a bataclava underneath to make my hair less of a hassle like I did when I used to be a scare actor.

And the 75k coming is a 25inch so if it’s a bit loose, the hair inside will help keep the thing in shape !

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