Ive always loved the closet scene in H1, with that being said Im just starting to go down the Myers mask rabbit hole. I had no clue it was such a huge thing, after going through many masks I think the 98 proto is closest to this pic. Id like to get others opinions that are more experienced on what mask you may think is closest to this scene.
I totally love the flashback of this scene in H20. Works perfectly over there.
98 Proto all the way. You can’t go wrong with that one.
Totally agree, the 98 proto and 75k castle are 1A and 1B imo, also a night owl shat converted imo.
Personally for the closet scene I feel that you can’t go wrong with an AHG EX.
I think the 75 castle and 98 own this scene.
Nag has a new mask called the RK75. (Real Kirk) it has a real Shatner look to it and for me does a killer closet scene mask! I’ll post pics when I receive it !
I cannot believe how well you replicated this mask and the scene as a whole.
Is it the RK75 stretch or just RK75? Some of the stretch maska are hit and miss imo
Regular RK as it was Tommy Lee Wallace wearing the mask in the scene! It doesn’t have the stretch and a more « round » soft look to it!
I saw the RK stretch on Ig it looks killer too !
But I’ll go for a 75k Castle for the classic look !
Ill have to check out a regular 75RK, i just got a Halloween Begins mask from Dark Labs, Rowland Kelly is currently finishing my 75k Castle, looking forward to getting in my hands. Ultimately would also like to get a Creep and a solid H40 also.
Some pictures of the h40v2 and RK75 that Nikos sent to me that are coming my way! He should ship them this week !
Masks look killer! I messagwd Nikos a few days ago about the V1 s V2 differences
Yeah man!! They look sick! They are my collection starter , and I have also a Nag/JC 75k castle coming. I just started the hobby by getting the three piece I wanted in my collection it’s already complete
The h1 and 2018 coveralls are also coming in a couple of month !
Curious to see the differences on the v1 and v2 if you could share ! But from what I saw, it’s just that the v2 is more accurate !
Wow…thats awesome. Did you buy the 75k Castle JC already done, or are you on JCs list? Here are pics from Nikos, he sent them to me, V1 is the first pic V2 bottom
It’s already done! Got it from a seller that was recommended by Nikos and James themselves so I pulled the trigger !
Yeah the v2 definitely is more accurate ! More deep details, colors and the sculpt is more balanced !
Thats cool, Im just getting into the hobby also. You are definitely dropping some coin
That’s one of the best 2018 masks I’ve ever seen the cracks and detail and the hair is spot on, love it Skinny Sam🎃.
It may still be for sale…Nikos offered it to me…you can message him to see