Hi all,
I am new here and just got the trick or treat studios halloween mask.
I am very happy with it except for the hair.
Can anyone offer any tips on how to style the hair to look like the h1 mask?
Thanks alot!
No one way to do up the hair. I would sometimes put a hat on some of mine & play with the exposed sides (twist the hair a little/flatten the sides & poof up the middle a bit) Some put a little gel & some choose not to (depending on the mask & hair/worries). Maybe some of the hair styling experts here will help ya out.
I never got into this. Watch the phone scene when the sheet is pulled off michaels head I expected the hair to be brushed forward like bill Murray from kingpin. But instead it’s matted down. Kinda what Paul said instead I always put a sock hat on mine a few days and it matted it down. It gives a nice vintage look
Sounds cool, i will give that a try!
Thanks guys!