Hi all, which do you prefer, the H1 look or the H2 look, in terms of the coveralls? For me, I’ve always loved the look of the H1 coveralls. I always found it odd how his coveralls changed even though both films were on the same night. Obviously we all know the real reason is because dick warlock replaced Nick castle, but in the story, it never made sense to me why his coveralls changed appearance so much, namely, the collar. Notice how in H1 the collar appears normal and flat, with the top button undone, while in H2 the top button is closed with the collar straight up wrapped around the neck. Not to the mention the high waters in H2 ha ha. Anyway, which do you prefer and why?
I always prefered the flared H1 collar. Something about it feels so right.
H1 all the way for me as well.
For me the H1 coveralls got the better look. I liked that “baggy” style more than that tighter fitting on warlock. Also it looked cooler when the buttons were open on the neck. I guess myers is a well dressed guy in the first one.
By the way… i also liked the look in h20. Durand wearing the Red Kap Coveralls liked Castle did with the big macs. Liked the look of both
I honestly can’t decide which I like more. I love the look of both.
I like the h1 coveralls
I like them both. I have learned to look past all the differences in costume from movie to movie and just love each one individually!
H1 for me. I never liked that the H2 coveralls had the top button closed with the collar straight up wrapped around the neck. I always hated that look TBH.
I like the H2 look too,but the H1 is my preference. H2 makes me think he has a collar like a priest lol.
Why not both?
Yeah I always thought that too ha ha
H1 has a button closure on the neck and the h2 have a snap closure. I believe this gives the h1 the better look.
I agree! I like the ‘baggy’ style in H1. Durand also wore the baggy style like Castle did. If Durand had a ‘Kirk’ style mask in H20 his look would have been a near match to Castle’s H1.
One thing I’ve noticed is in H2, there are actually a couple scenes where Michaels coveralls have the top button undone, much like they were with Nick castle in H1. I think they should have kept that look through the whole movie, to keep that idea that it was on the same night, I mean, why would Michael, after falling off the balcony at the end of H1 suddenly think, you know what, I think I’ll button up my collar.Ha ha, anyway, here’s the scenes I was referring to in H2…
Awesome shots right there!! Def like the open collar myself!
I’m a die hard h2 guy, but I gotta go with H1 here. Mainly because of the tightness/smallness of the coveralls. To replicate the H2 look, you basically gotta order a size smaller then you’d normally wear, & that can be somewhat uncomfortable, certainly not as comfortable as the bigger H1 coveralls.
And you know, it makes you wonder, why would dick warlock get coveralls that were too small for him? I understand some possibilities maybe thats all he could find, or though unlikely, they were made to fit smaller.
You would also think that someone on set would notice that in some scenes the top button was open and undone, and in others, it was closed up tight lol.
Yeah ha ha, kind of like how everyone should have noticed they are using the wrong mask in the schoolhouse scene in H4 ha ha
Exactly like that!