H1 Wound Diagram

Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone had a diagram of where Michaels wounds from the first film are approximately on his body? I tried making my own diagram but I’m not sure how accurate it is.

I attached it as well as a blank copy (in case you would like to make your own version). :myers

Thank you for your help!


Can I ask what this is for?

A Michael Myers costume.

Specifically I want to do a H18 version, but a female version. I want to have H1 accurate scars on the chest and up. :slight_smile:

Here you go, the screenused H2 coveralls are your best reference
Coveralls - Mark Roberts.JPG

Wonderful, thank you very much!

No problem!

Based off the above, here’s a rough diagram for the wound layout.

Dots mark entry wounds from bullets and slashes mark stabbing wounds:

Amazing how no bullet hit his heart or any serious organ

I always thought Laurie stabbed him in the side of his gut when she grabbed his knife in the closet…

Didn’t Laurie stab Michael in the stomach in H1 during the closet scene?

Oh right, I forgot about that one.

I always wounded where Laurie’s knife penetrated though. I took some quick screenshots of where Michael grabs himself after beig stabbed. To me it looks like his chest but it could be his ribs/abdomen.

Looks like she stabbed him in the left breast area.

I agree based off of where he grabs at himself after she stabs and I know based off of the video of it that she lunges the knife rather upward and roughly a 45° or more angle