"H2" BOX-OFFICE Reports...

UPDATE - Weekend box office ACTUALS are in…“H2” came in THIRD at the box-office. Not only that…but it also did LESS business than originally estimated. However, in all fairness, so did the other two films in the top three.

Here are the estimates from Sunday:
HALLOWEEN 2 - $17.4

HALLOWEEN 2 - $16.3

What makes the actual numbers so disappointing (according to Dimension) is that despite the fact that audiences overall seemed to enjoy Zombie’s “Halloween”, that fact did not result in high numbers for its sequel this past weekend. In fact, “H2” did nearly HALF the business the “original” did, as Zombie’s original remake [oxymoron] opened at the number one spot with a weekend performance of $30.6 million.

Hahahahahaha a 3rd film in 3d with Laurie as a right nutter and Rob’s not coming back. Oh you guys deserve this. You’ll wish Rob came back when this is all said an done. He killed it??? Nah, you did! By buying FD tickets and sneaking into H2. Thanks a lot!

If it did better, they might have held out for one more from Rob- Giving him plenty of time to think about it. Now thanks to the B.O. return. They don’t seem to want him back. That’s why I’m saying what I’m saying. Hope it was worth it you bitter jerks!

Your’e going to know what suck and rape really means soon. It’s Lauries turn to be fucked up and I’m sure the “Inside” guys draft will be toyed with to make it work. Fucking shame!

I’ve always longed to be called a jerk! How sweet of you. Thanks, buddy!

Wow! They got a quote from Jeff Goldstein in that article, he was my boss when I worked at Warner Bros.!!!

And, if you notice…according to the estimates, “TFD” outperformed “H2” by nearly $10 million. Are you REALLY trying to say that there were enough people out there who bought $10 million worth of tickets for “TFD” and snuck into “H2” instead? I really don’t think that’s the case. That would mean 1,000,000…count them…ONE MILLION people would’ve had to do so (figuring an average ticket price of $10).

Zombie killed the franchise…and it wasn’t just this film. His remake turned off MANY people who vowed they flat-out wouldn’t see the sequel. I know PLENTY of people in this town who told me so. MANY of them are fans of the series who now work in “the biz”…and they told me they saw the fist out of curiosity but wouldn’t go NEAR the 2nd.

Zombie, Dimension, Malek, and the Akkads have no one to blame but themselves. The public sated their curiosity with the first one…and many didn’t like what they saw. That’s why they didn’t “come back for seconds”.

Great post Wynn. It just shows you why the Weinsteins are the primary source to blame for this whole mess. They are going to milk every last dime out of this franchise with no consideration to how terrible the content of the films are until there is nothing left but shelf space for direct-to-video releases. They have already done this with several horror franchises. I mean can you imagine the audacity of someone to announce another sequel coming out in a year or less, when your current offering hasn’t even been released a full weekend, and is being hammered by Final Destination 3D and critics alike? If you ever needed proof of how confident and arrogant they are that regardless of the garbage they produce, you will still buy tickets, there it is in a nutshell. Supposedly a new director is coming on board, who has a different take on the series. What good would that do when this whole remake series and all of its characters have already been run right into the ground?

The good news is that it seems more people are catching on to what they’re doing, and taking a pass at the box office. This movie has been torn apart by critics, and now it places third on its opening weekend.

As far as this 3-D garbage goes, it’s just another example of studios placing even more emphasis on solely appealing to the visual aspects of film. The ironic part is that they would make more money at the box office producing quality films if they used actual stories, real writers and real directors, instead of relying solely on visual stimuli. Their production costs would be far less too. From the accounts I’ve read, Final Destination 3-D was another garbage film, but it did decent at the box office anyways. Thank The Great Pumpkin that we at least still have the classics!

at least it proves Brian Rayman wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

fans in this site DO have big impact

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Not discounting what you wrote…and that definitely may be true to an extent, but I think that the primary reason this film is not living up to the expectations of the Weinsteins (if they even expected it to do well compared to the first) is because of the GENERAL public. I had lunch with two of my friends yesterday who are in film school and they both like horror but are not “Halloween” aficionados like many of us. They told me that they saw the remake and were so turned off by it that they had absolutely NO desire to see the sequel. Same can be said for a few of my cousins, two of my best friends in Indiana, my wife, my sister, people I work with, etc, etc,.

Yes we do… :sunglasses: :smiling_imp:

Wow. What a little tantrum that was?
No wonder they kicked you off the set of the H2 remake.

Wynn you think I never knew this about you? Come on now. I know who targets me around here, and I try as hard as a I can to keep those problems from accelerating, but lets face it. This rushed into production Halloween 3 has reasons, most of it is based on how poorly the film did this weekend.

I’ll tone it down, but trust me, now I’m feeling the anger, and I for one don’t blame Rob. I blame the audience and the fans for not giving the film a chance. If you believe the numbers and the early debates- Everyone was ready to hate this film from day 1. Most of the staunch haters here read the spoilers before they even saw the film. No wonder it was devoid of any entertainment value for some of you. You knew what was going to happen before you watched it, and I’m mad about that shit.

Here’s the probable mindshare work behind this 3rd film.

Final Destination took first place this weekend. Ticket figures show more 3d tickets sold than 2d tickets did. The tickets also cost a bit more.

Therefore Halloween 3 will be 3d. The powers feel it need’s a gimmick to make a better return and it’s another couple of bucks they can tack onto the ticket price.

That’s why Halloween 3 will be 3d.

If you read the rough draft for Halloween 2. The one the “Inside” guys created. You will know that it wont take that much effort to make it work as a 3rd film. Laurie’s plagued by vision of her snapping and killing people she’s around. She obviously doesn’t do it, it just like the vision she had where she killed Annie in part 2. She’s in a sanitarium as well. Loomis’s character will have to be converted. It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to see Margot Kidder’s character preforming/replacing this role as her Dr./ Psychiatrist

I will not be on board with this if
1: Actors like Scout and Tyler Don’t come back
2: If Rob doesn’t give the final film his blessing.

I agree with every fan in here- That it’s time to let it sleep for a bit and reset it at some point later on down the line.

My mind is flooded with all the ways they could re adapt the “Inside” guys treatment to pull of the 3rd film, and I know this treatment will be the source for it.


A: The events of the second film were all real, and Myers is dead, but in Laurie’s mind he’s not. She’s locked away in the sanitarium, suffering terrible reality distorting visions with her committing acts of violence and murder to the people around her. None of these vision of murder are real. This may change when she finally see her brothers involvement in what she suspects to be another vision. After realizing she’s back in the real world with the actual victim/victims really being dead and it possibly being Michael- This influences her to escape the sanitarium in fear of her own life by his hands. It concludes with them at the Myers house. With another “It Ends Now” ending that could still leave the door open for another sequel.

B: Laurie did everything that happened in part 2, and Myers was a figment of her damaged psyche. Who’s alive and who’s dead from parts 2 events may be a mixed bag since some of it was figmented reality, but Laurie’s is most certainly locked away in a sanitarium becoming more and more like her Brother as Halloween draws near. She makes and Wears paper mask just like he did. She gets out somehow. With or without the intent or want to leave. She’s probably running away or after a Figmented or Real version of Michael. she’ll probably end up wearing a mask that looks a lot like the mask in the movie Eyes Without A face. Either she’s after her brother for outright revenge at some point, or she’s constantly running for her life as he continues to chase after her killing everyone she runs to for help. Either Myers really did return for real this time or she imagined it all, and she did all of the killings. Maybe she realizes the only way to end it irregardless is to sacrifice herself, but she’ll kill herself in such a way that they could make another sequel.

C: Halloween 2 opens up with Myers body disappearing from the crime scene. Several years have passed. Laurie’s recently reinserted herself back into the real world. She lives in a community house mainly full of mentally and psychically handicapped people. She spend her days out in the real world at her job, and taking course at night school to be a graphic artist, but she’s still a patient of sorts an incapable of living all by herself. Again, she has massive reality distorting visions with Myers coming after her and killing the people around her, but none of them are real. She finally finds someone she cares about violently murdered (most likely in the group home) and it turns out to be real. We never see who did it. Her visions get worse. Myers is getting closer every time and killing those around her in the process. The bodies are never found when other people go back to check out what she says happened. Laurie eventually is locked up for her own safety. Michael shows up he slaughters the police, he nabs Laurie once again, and the film concludes with them back in the Myers house in another “It ends now” moment that still leaves it’s open for another sequel. He might be real or the end might conclude with Laurie realizing that it was her doing it all.

They are going to do something like this. It’s not that hard to figure out. There’s tons of ways they could do it. If the actors don’t come back, if Rob doesn’t bless it. I’ll ignore it outright. I already hate the 3d gimmick they plan to use.

No one here, outside of Donnie and few others know the real reasons behind me no longer allowed being allowed near the set. My relationship with most of those people remains intact. I’d truly appreciate it if you and others like you would stop rubbing that crap in my face. It’s one of the reasons I’m incapable of respecting some of you, because you sure as shit don’t respect me. You get off on crap like this. It’s very disturbing and sad.

EVEN if you factor in the extra cost of the ticket…it breaks down in the following way;

Theaters were charging an average of $4 more per ticket for the 3-D screenings. So…you could say the “average” cost of admission for “TFD” was $14/ticket. Which means; $28.3 million/$14 per admission = 2,021,429 admissions

“H2” average ticket price of $10 means; $17.4 million/$10 per admission = 1,740,000 admissions

So…“TFD” outperformed “H2” by nearly HALF a million admissions.

Instead of pointng fingers at the 20 - 30 people on this site that paid for FD and walked into H2, I think the blame should be put on Zombie’s fans. Like the good Dr. pointed out, it would take at least a million people to do that. No way in hell that happened…period. H2 got PWND by it’s own.

Zombie fans…where were they? Where was his cult following? Where were all his fans that see him as the next great thing in horror? He got his ass handed to him on a big nasty, grimey, disgusting plate. I hope he chokes on it!! Fucking hack!!!

You are reading into my post instead of reading it. I said they can charge more money per ticket, and the figures show more people chose to watch the 3d version of FD over the 2d version.

I did not say the ticket price made it preform better.

I know more people went in and watched FD then they did Halloween 2, and I know most of those people were not hardcore fans like us, and I know the remake didn’t sit well with a lot of people including average movie goers, and I realize that helped in hurting the turn out for this film.

Lots of factors did.

One thing though- none of those “Larger” people are here in this forum with us now. I’m very unhappy with the way people have been treating each other in here. You finally pushed my button and I snapped. Sorry

We will see what 3 ultimately is. Hey maybe the people involved pull it off. Who knows.

Me- I’m bummed about it. I wish it had more time on the clock that’s for sure. I think the 3d is screaming “We, like many of you don’t believe in the product anymore, so we have to enhance it to attract you back.”

What I don’t understand is WHY you took my post personally and got “angry” about it. I certainly didn’t single you or anyone else out in merely reporting the facts.

Regardless of that…I want to address a point you made. Many people are making the claim that those of us who disliked “H2” had made up our minds BEFORE we saw the film…and therfore, never gave the film a fair chance. These people claim that the film was doomed from the start in our minds. While there may be a bit of truth to that assertion, I really don’t think that argument is placing blame where it should be. It’s not “us” and our “minds” that sealed the film’s fate…it’s the film…the product itself. MANY films have had people “against” or “for” them before their release…many films have had people go into them with their minds made up and knowing a LOT about the film’s plot, spoilers, designs, etc…and have had people come out with the exact opposite judgment.

Examples; “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” and “Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace” - I know TONS of people who went into BOTH of these films thinking they would LOVE them regardless of what the film contained. They figured the films were part of beloved franchises they grew up with and the original creators were on board to assure everyone a good time and an excellent movie. Yet, BOTH films split the fan base down the middle and quite decisively, I might add. MANY people love both flms…but JUST as many HATED both films…EVEN though they went into it thinking they would love it.

“Star Trek” - Trekkies were absolutely scared and as skeptical as you could get regarding JJ Abrams’ “reboot” of the franchise And even though I worked on the film…I went into it with GREAT trepidation and thinking the same thing many of my fellow Trek fans were; “NO ONE can EVER replace the original crew. This film won’t be as good…it won’t be as fun…and I’m sure it’s going to be all gloss and no substance.” My word…but we were wrong. MANY of the Trekkies (I’d dare say it’s a majority of them) who went in thinking they would hate this film came out absolutely THRILLED and enchanted by it. And we all ate crow without reservation…because even though we’d sealed the film’s fate in our minds before going in…we had to admit we were wrong.

I could go on and on; who honestly thought Daniel Craig was going to be a great James Bond? Most die-hard Bond fans like myself went in thinking we would HATE him and the film, “Casino Royale”…and we were more wrong than we could’ve ever imagined we’d be. How many people went into “Halloween: Resurrection” thinking that it would be a blast since it had Jamie Lee and Rick Rosenthal involved? MANY of us did. Boy, were we wrong. I think you get my point.

I think your first statement I quoted could be applied to you as well. Like I said, in my original post (which was about box-office performance and NEVER addressed ANY single person, any group of people, anyone on here, you, etc.) I wasn’t trying to “tick people off” and I certainly wasn’t trying to push the button of you or anyone else specifically. I was just reporting the facts. I’m very sorry you took it personally and chose to seemingly attack me personally by insulting me and everyone else you deem to be a “hater”. Whatever the case…I accept your apology. It’s all good. :sunglasses:

Charles, c-mon man. We do Not need to call people bitter jerks cause they dont share your opinion.

Not trying to stir the pot…just letting people know, the weekend actuals are in. Check my original post in this thread (which has been amended) for the ACTUAL receipts from this weekend. Cheers, all.

In all honesty, the reason this entry failed so horribly is because it is what it is.
People just didn’t want to see this movie, for many reasons: be it poor marketing (those trailers were really bad, and the commercials didn’t help) word of mouth (including on-line reviews and peer watching) and the fact that the last installment, no matter how much dough it made, was still not up to par with not-only die-hard Halloween fans, but horror fans in general. Just because a movie makes a buttload of coin, doesn’t mean it was any good.

This is my first time chiming in after I saw the sequel, and I admit I tried my best to keep an open mind. But I feel I share the same feelings with most of the movie going public that saw this movie over the weekend…utterly disappointed to say the least. I wanted my money back, but my wife talked me out of it.

And the Weinsteins, I’m sorry to say, felt that the movie was going to underperform, and greenlit the 3-D concept WELL BEFORE it was publicly released this weekend. The actual Box Office results have NOTHING to do with the fact they were going to do this before the film was even released.

The fact that my theater held over 220 members had only 30 people in it on Saturday night, wasn’t helped when a group of 3 women walked out before the half-way point. It was a rushed, soulless, substance-less film that didn’t need to be made.