Wynn you think I never knew this about you? Come on now. I know who targets me around here, and I try as hard as a I can to keep those problems from accelerating, but lets face it. This rushed into production Halloween 3 has reasons, most of it is based on how poorly the film did this weekend.
I’ll tone it down, but trust me, now I’m feeling the anger, and I for one don’t blame Rob. I blame the audience and the fans for not giving the film a chance. If you believe the numbers and the early debates- Everyone was ready to hate this film from day 1. Most of the staunch haters here read the spoilers before they even saw the film. No wonder it was devoid of any entertainment value for some of you. You knew what was going to happen before you watched it, and I’m mad about that shit.
Here’s the probable mindshare work behind this 3rd film.
Final Destination took first place this weekend. Ticket figures show more 3d tickets sold than 2d tickets did. The tickets also cost a bit more.
Therefore Halloween 3 will be 3d. The powers feel it need’s a gimmick to make a better return and it’s another couple of bucks they can tack onto the ticket price.
That’s why Halloween 3 will be 3d.
If you read the rough draft for Halloween 2. The one the “Inside” guys created. You will know that it wont take that much effort to make it work as a 3rd film. Laurie’s plagued by vision of her snapping and killing people she’s around. She obviously doesn’t do it, it just like the vision she had where she killed Annie in part 2. She’s in a sanitarium as well. Loomis’s character will have to be converted. It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to see Margot Kidder’s character preforming/replacing this role as her Dr./ Psychiatrist
I will not be on board with this if
1: Actors like Scout and Tyler Don’t come back
2: If Rob doesn’t give the final film his blessing.
I agree with every fan in here- That it’s time to let it sleep for a bit and reset it at some point later on down the line.
My mind is flooded with all the ways they could re adapt the “Inside” guys treatment to pull of the 3rd film, and I know this treatment will be the source for it.
A: The events of the second film were all real, and Myers is dead, but in Laurie’s mind he’s not. She’s locked away in the sanitarium, suffering terrible reality distorting visions with her committing acts of violence and murder to the people around her. None of these vision of murder are real. This may change when she finally see her brothers involvement in what she suspects to be another vision. After realizing she’s back in the real world with the actual victim/victims really being dead and it possibly being Michael- This influences her to escape the sanitarium in fear of her own life by his hands. It concludes with them at the Myers house. With another “It Ends Now” ending that could still leave the door open for another sequel.
B: Laurie did everything that happened in part 2, and Myers was a figment of her damaged psyche. Who’s alive and who’s dead from parts 2 events may be a mixed bag since some of it was figmented reality, but Laurie’s is most certainly locked away in a sanitarium becoming more and more like her Brother as Halloween draws near. She makes and Wears paper mask just like he did. She gets out somehow. With or without the intent or want to leave. She’s probably running away or after a Figmented or Real version of Michael. she’ll probably end up wearing a mask that looks a lot like the mask in the movie Eyes Without A face. Either she’s after her brother for outright revenge at some point, or she’s constantly running for her life as he continues to chase after her killing everyone she runs to for help. Either Myers really did return for real this time or she imagined it all, and she did all of the killings. Maybe she realizes the only way to end it irregardless is to sacrifice herself, but she’ll kill herself in such a way that they could make another sequel.
C: Halloween 2 opens up with Myers body disappearing from the crime scene. Several years have passed. Laurie’s recently reinserted herself back into the real world. She lives in a community house mainly full of mentally and psychically handicapped people. She spend her days out in the real world at her job, and taking course at night school to be a graphic artist, but she’s still a patient of sorts an incapable of living all by herself. Again, she has massive reality distorting visions with Myers coming after her and killing the people around her, but none of them are real. She finally finds someone she cares about violently murdered (most likely in the group home) and it turns out to be real. We never see who did it. Her visions get worse. Myers is getting closer every time and killing those around her in the process. The bodies are never found when other people go back to check out what she says happened. Laurie eventually is locked up for her own safety. Michael shows up he slaughters the police, he nabs Laurie once again, and the film concludes with them back in the Myers house in another “It ends now” moment that still leaves it’s open for another sequel. He might be real or the end might conclude with Laurie realizing that it was her doing it all.
They are going to do something like this. It’s not that hard to figure out. There’s tons of ways they could do it. If the actors don’t come back, if Rob doesn’t bless it. I’ll ignore it outright. I already hate the 3d gimmick they plan to use.