H2 Deluxe Mask with a bent, warped eyehole. Any suggestions on how to fix it.

Today I just picked up an H2 Deluxe Mask I ordered in early January, and while it looks great, there’s an issue with the right cheek that bends the right eye hole out of place and puts the nose off centre. Hopefully the issue is clear in the photos I’ve attached, while wearing it it kind of looks like it’s copped a bat to the face. Any ideas on how I could try setting it back in place?

Also long story short, kind of a funny story how I got this. I’m in Australia and ordered it through a movie and music store called Sanity in early January, after I had success buying the vacuuform Michael mask in December. Got a call a few weeks later from the store saying ToTS had contacted to say they couldn’t supply the mask as it was out of production. I was disappointed but got my deposit back and continued on, then yesterday morning I got a call from the same shop assistant, surprised it had just shown up in the post. Lucky I could still afford it.

Stuff it the way you want it to look. Maybe even use some scotch tape to hold the eye hole into the correct position. Then use a hair dryer on the heat setting and heat up the eye area real good. Let it cool down and take the tape off. It should work. I’ve done things like this in the past to a couple of different masks with great results.

It’s working, slowly but surely. Thank you for the help :slight_smile: