H20 promo photo mystery?

Hi guys, I saw this promotional photo for H20 the other day, and I couldn’t help but wonder which stinkin mask is being used in it lol. It’s a weird looking hybrid of the Winston and KNB, with the glaring white and the slicked brown hair along with the odd Kirk-ish nose. Does anyone know which mask was used? In my opinion, it looks like they used the picture of the KNB and just stretched and edited the picture so the nose and face weren’t as flat or, Beluga whale-y lol.

That’s definitely the KNB in my eyes

Looks like the KNB mask to me.

It’s the KNB. I believe there was an alternate angle of the same shot which clearly showed it as the KNB but I’m not sure if that was one used on screen or a promo shot. Either way, it’s definitely the KNB.

It’s the KNB, just looked edited to have the mouth turned down because of the angle, here you can see the same crease. :slight_smile:

Ayy that’s it right there!