Post all them H4 Cover masks! Any sculpts; interested to see all variations of my favorite look!
Not sure if it really counts but my H6 was painted to be like the cover mask, love the way it looks.
My Rehauled TOTS hospital mask.
Sorry for the crappy cellphone pics.
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I tried to turn my Second Stab into a cover…ish mask and it looked good at the time I thought. Not so much now but it still looks decent. Despite not having the ghostly white H1 paint, the Ultimate can capture the Cover look because of the defined facial contours that really make it pop in pics and especially in person. False shadows don’t need to be airbrushed in to capture the look.
The weathering on that Second Stab is phenomenal.
I actually used the Cover mask as a guide while adding the weathering on the Stab.
In a way it’s a repurposed SS and why not.
I like what you did there, good job!