H40 Collection šŸŽƒ

Recently completed a 5 year long journey to obtain my perfect trilogy set and I finally finished since receiving my Ends Hero.

H40 ā€œUncle Orangeā€ by Shape Studios
Kills ā€œThe Sā€™moreā€ by Se7ensins Studios
Ends ā€œCave Dwellerā€ by CCN Studios


Looks awesome man I love it :clap:
I did the same kind of thing with mine in 2023 when I finished. My Ends mask was prior to the film release so itā€™s one of Remeā€™s first few he did for Ends.
Mine are all Remzap Studios.

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Nice collection there. Wish my room would be decorated like this one day. The thing is, where Iā€™m from, itā€™s easy to get figures and this kind of stuff, but masks not so much, unless you order them from the U.S., which might take ages.

lol yeah, I can totally understand that living in Canada. Itā€™s a little easier to get masks in Canada, but not nearly as easy as the US and everything is twice the cost of course.
For my set up is mainly for my cosplaying and YouTube channel BS.
Word of advice from my perspective anyway, just make sure if you ever do a room or anything like that that the wife or GF is on board. I get a lot of crap for mine fairly often haha :man_shrugging:t2:

So what is your number 1 favorite mask?

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For me, thatā€™s a tough one. If you mean the Blumhouse series masks, Iā€™m pretty partial to the H40, I was just really happy with it when it was debut in the film, but thereā€™s something about the kills mask that looks really awesome too and it fits me perfectly.
If you mean favourite Myers mask in general, my favourite is gonna have to be my NAG SC 75.

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