H5 Mask Sizing Questions

Hello everyone, this seems to have been on my mind for a couple of months now but I have a question for anyone who has an H5 that’s linked to being originated from a cast of a KNB blank or mold: Is it true that they were meant to fit for smaller heads? Earlier this year, I have thought about getting an H5 from Ghastly Productions during his final run-- and he told me that they typically could fit up to about 23" at best. I always kind of find it odd since most of the stills I’ve seen from the movie looked like it could fit a “big” head. I’ve recently talked with someone else who owned a Ghastly Pro mask recently, and he told me that the mask could fit up almost the same size as a ToTS H2 Deluxe mask, which kind of confuses me.

I had an SSN from the original mould.
Although it fit my head, it’s features we’re really distorted. I’d definatley say it was a small mask.

The SSN Shanks signature was also small.