haddonfeild slasher redo...

i have always liked this mask. i got this in a trade and it had no hair on it. i repainted it and rehaired it.thanks for looking. i am offering complete redos for 100 right now…tommy

Wow :astonished:
That looks so much better!

That look tight man. :rock:

wow tommy that looks amazing…this was my old copy , here is a before pic

looks good bro, nice work

Hey shawn, what did you do with yours ?

always like that mask to. Tommy you just took it up a notch wiht this one!!!

best one ive seen so far

The one he re did is mine

That looks great Tommy!
Nice Job my friend :wink:

That’s a great job Tommy


thanks guys…tommy

Nice work Tommy!!! That HS belonged to me, be4 SHAWN!!


The Haddonfield Slasher is one of the top 3 best H1 masks out there!! Nice job Tommy!! Looks mean :imp:

great work Tommy! i like the slasher alot myself.

Looking good Tommy!


Great job. Love the mask. I have always wanted one and don’t see them very often.

thanks dudes…tommy