Hair Discussion??

This might seem a little odd but it’s bugged me pretty much since I started collecting four years ago. For some reason I don’t like to wear masks that have intricately styled hair, like H1 masks. I just feel very uncomfortable wearing masks with styled hair because I’m afraid to mess it up (and it’s a pain in the ass to style in the first place) and I’m constantly checking it like some pretty boy checks their real hair. I just find I like wearing H2, H4, H5 and RZ masks more than H1’s because none of those masks really need styling. Most of you may find this surprising for me to say but I’m most comfortable wearing RZ masks because the hair was never styled and they just let it flail around in the films so I never really have to worry about what it looks like.

Anyone else feel like this?

I used to always have that problem until I’ve switched to crepe, now it’s not a problem because it stays where I put it.

Unfortunately, I can’t stand crepe.

I suffer from this also…Hell even with RZ mask as im sure you noticed at Monster mania LoL…If I wear a mask im constantly checking the hair…If it gets out of place I hit it with some spray and try my best to keep it that way but it gets hard when your wearing the mask…So I know what you mean bro

I can understand where you are comming from, but I don’t feel uncomfortable per say, but after each wear I take my hand and try and smooth out the hair, or slick it back. I even did it to my physcopathv2 H1 mask when I first got it. Even before the big night in georgia in 07 I had it sitting on a foam head and kept slicking back the hair. My friend laughed his ass off, he likes Halloween as well but thought I was a bit neroctic everyday and night I did it lol. And here I thought I was the only one here who was very anal about this… Dean

im not real picky about the style look of the hair on my masks. sure too puffy doesnt suit me and too close to the bone takes away from the look, but anything in between will work for me. alot of people including myself will fray a few locks of hair from around the ears because thats how the hair looked in a memorable scene from H1.
however i doubt that for any scene Tommy, John or anyone else was like, hold it, and walked over to Nick a started twisting afew locks of hair on the mask to get that look.
i dont figure they cared about the style of the hair after Tommy W. messed it up and sprayed it that first time. however the wind blew it or it got ruffeled up putting it on and taking off is just how it looked and how they filmed it.
and just for character point of view, if H1 was a real life situation, Michael for sure wouldnt care about what the hair looked like on his mask, wind blown and all. and he sure wouldnt take the time to tweek afew strands of hair on the sides.
so in character form, whatever the hair ends up looking like is realistic and how Michael would have worn it.

The problem I see with most H1/H2 replicas is that the length and the flow of the hair does not seem correct.
It seems that the majority of the masks are haired to look like a myers.
In order to get the hair right, a Myers should be haired neat and properly like a Kirk with no side burns.
A Myers should look like a Kirk with a bad hair day.

I see copies with certain camel with strands that are just too long which makes it impossible to do the trademark horns on the sides since it’s too coarse. Then there’s mohair that’s just too curly or mohair that has not been unbraided properly and is glued to the mask in chunks. Aaarrghhh!!

Soooo, I see what you mean.
Just look at Josh’s Kirk vid, it may not be styled exactly like the film but it looks great/perfect.
Has the right lengh,poofyness, and flow.
If all repicas were haired properly…

With that said, this is why I prefer James’ hairing. It’s the right length and it’s pretty much pre-styled so when you take it out of the box you just gotta “tease it out” a little.

My wife laughed at me every Halloween because I was always pushing my masks hair back as I was wearing it. I can’t stand when camel hair blows in the wind!

Ah yes… hair!!!

I’m a little obsessed with it myself. Anytime I take a pic, I spend 15-20 minutes just styling the hair so that it looks good. I can’t stand to see a H1 mask w/ poofy or thin hair. Another thing that bothers me is when the stray hairs on the sides are too long or wound too thick. You have to find that medium to where it looks like it was once neat… but has become slightly messy and deranged. I cannot count how many times I’ve shot costume pics, only to look back at the pictures and say “dammit, that little tuft of hair is irking me!” so I go back and take the pictures all over again. It’s almost as bad as spending an hour taking 100 pics, only to realize I forgot to put my SD card in… lol.

The problem with most hair we are offered is that most of the time it doesn’t look right, styled or not styled.
I have had maybe 3 masks with nice hair on them. Those were all original kirk hair…

Most of the hair is to THICK and harder to matte down.
KH and Nik used the best stuff on the SLE and 2k kirk.

im a wild style myers…and often go for my own look even with the appropriate film mask…liek RZs like matt said i love em

im a wild style myers…and often go for my own look even with the appropriate film mask…liek RZs like matt said i love em