HAIR!!!- Help with NAG

Hey guys, if any of you are familiar with the hair that Nik uses on his SUH9’s then you’d know that it’s not screen-accurate. I am having it rehaired in about a month or two with Crepe. But until then, do you guys have any advice or tips for me to style the hair as accurately as possible?


Send it to Scott and call it a day. He will have that mask back to you in less than a week.

Wasn’t camel hair used on the Screen used mask, not Crepe.

I keep hearing that the one used in the film had Crepe. And I would just send it to Scott, but I dont have the spare $150 right yet. You guys got any pictures of Scott’s rehaired H9’s?

Here are pics of a buried mask that Scott did a little while ago. His hair work is WELL worth the money. Most of the cost is just for the hair.